Missing Piece

Have you ever thought you had everything that you needed to be happy? One day you wake up and now you’re missing that one puzzle piece to complete life. Well, that’s where my story begins but it took me a while to build the courage to post this. I love helping other people but often neglected taking care of myself or mental health. I have an amazing career, beautiful house, and a fast car but none of that brings me happiness. My family is incredible and very supportive, but they live a few thousand miles away so it’s difficult to talk. I had an amazing girlfriend she was beautiful and the most caring person I have ever been around. Now this is the part of my story where the wheels start falling off. I just ended things with my girlfriend and due to my mind getting the best of me I reached a wall that I could not jump over. Every step I climbed on that mental wall it just kept getting higher like a mirage. I’ve been trying for so long to just be happy with myself, but nothing works. Sure, I have a small group of friends we hang out and laugh and have a good time, but I am always lost. Music is my therapy from slow music to brutal deathcore, but something is missing. One day I will find that missing puzzle piece but for now it’s lost in the pile.
The reason I posted this is to let people know that materialistic items don’t always bring happiness. You can have a billion dollars and still be poor. Always take care of yourself and the ones who love you. Your struggle is not unnoticed, people do care but reach out when you need it because nobody knows you’re struggling on the inside. Everyone has a battle that you know nothing about.

Never hurt yourself, always take care!

Love Heart Support!


I agree, status, prosperity, possessions, not even relationships may not be fulfilling over the long-term. Sometimes people become victims of their own success. They may have reached a point in life where a lot of people are around them for superficial reasons, such as a great many people who surrounded Elvis did so in hopes of material gain.

A person can have unlimited wealth and be surrounded by “friends,” and find themselves terminally lonely.

A person can also have deep, meaningful and loving relationships with others and still feel as though something is missing.

Many believe it’s programmed into our DNA to have a desire to connect with nonphysical/spiritual reality.

Another very significant factor we all deal with is hedonic adaptation. The best way for you to learn about that is to keyword the term in a search engine such as Google.

Maybe the missing puzzle piece is the awareness that there will always be more pieces of the puzzle to discover. That’s a good thing, as humans were designed to continue growing in wisdom and awareness throughout their lifetimes. Perhaps a feeling of wholeness can be accomplished by accepting that one is on a path of discovery and being on that path is what makes us whole, much like the necessity for a vehicle to be complete in order for it to travel.

It’s worth asking one’s self if the desire to continue evolving can feel like a piece is missing.

Even if it feels like something is missing, it’s worth bracketing some time in which you can feel calm and decide for that period of time to be content with what exists for you in those moments.

Yes, materialistic items can bring happiness, but it’s only temporary, and it’s not with the same depth that love can bring. Losing someone you love is a brutal reality check on that matter. It makes you feel this deep, intense knowledge through every cell of your body that life becomes meaningful only through experiences that are not measurable.

Sometimes, missing pieces are also within ourselves. Even through relationships that somehow complete us, we look outside of us for something that may be present within, but yet undiscovered. There are many barriers in our mind and heart that can get in the way of embracing who we are truly. It is an interesting journey but to explore this void, this emptiness that someone left, and see what it looks like, what needs to be there (or not), and how we can make sure to be an actor of this path to more wholeness.

This is a beautiful message that you have shared here, and I hope that through this journey of yours you make sure to be kind to yourself, just like you are with all of us here. I know it’s hard to overcome the walls that are present and to learn to feel whole when we are by ourselves. There are wounds that we would rather avoid so we keep looking in a different direction. The fact that you’ve put this into words, and that you feel intuitively that something is missing, is a good sign. Maybe years ago you were not yet in this position of feeling it. Now you are, and you can learn from it, little by little. It is a weird and confusing journey, but any step taken towards reconnecting with yourself and learning to see what gets in the way of feeling whole, is definitely worth it. You got this.

Thank you for sharing this part of your story here, and thank you for being here. I hope you feel safe and comfortable, and will learn to find a cocoon here as well. You’re loved. :hrtlegolove: