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Belongs to: HeartSupport_Fans Content #586
My 15 years old dog dies a couple of month ago. She was the love of My life and these couple of month i feel like i’m in autopilot. I do things because i have to, like work, exercice, but nothing feels joyfull. I know that time will make things better, but things have been hard.



@pxlxdx pets are so special and losing them can be so painful. They bring so much pure joy and goodness so their loss just feels like pure pain. I’m so sorry for the loss you are going through and the way it feels like you are continuing to lose your joy. I know how scary that can be. It’s so good that you are still doing the things you know are good for you. Those routines will carry you ! Something I’ve heard about grief that always helps me is: Grief is just unexpressed love. Sending you love and care this community is here for you. :heart:

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@heartsupport thanks You so much for the loving words and taking the time to reading me. :heart:

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I am so sorry for your loss, my heart goes out to you. I can relate very well, I lost my 17-year old cat a few years ago. I was there when she was born until the day she died. I got her when I was 15 years old and grew up with her. She was my one and only. I can understand your pain so much. First I thought that there is nothing I could do or tell you to make it better, but I remember two things that actually helped me through it. When a friend told me “Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” This made me realise that so many people will probably never have such a close and trustful relationship with a pet (or human for that matter). So cherish the memories, what you’ve had is so unique and special. The second one was a thought I had: After all the years of her taking care of me, she gave me so much emotional support, she really deserves to rest now as well. She saved me in more than one ways, now it’s my turn to do something with it. I don’t know if this helps you, but know that you are understood and loved.

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@heartsupportwall6 thank You so much! I really apreciate your words in this hard times. :heart::heart::heart:


@one_world_revolution_official thank You very much :heart:

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@pxlxdx the hardest of losses. Had my soul puppy pass back in 2014. It devastated me. Just feel all the feels. Sending you prayers.

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My heart goes out to you. I adopted a beautiful cat named Lila. I discovered a growth and she passed away after only having her for a bit over a year. I felt so numb. I was broken. I felt this intense guilt. Slowly things started to get better and I adopted a new girl. Somehow it felt like my Lila led me to her because she knew I’d need her. The memories of our sweet fur friends last a lifetime. I still miss my sweet Lila from time to time, but I also am so happy I gave her the love she needed.
And so I am so happy you gave your sweet girl the love she needed.

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@heartsupportwall2 thanks You so much :heart: ando let me congratulate all the heart suport team for the hard work of spreading love! A Lot of love from argentina to You all!

@pxlxdx I got a new puppy, not to replace my girl but to keep my mind busy and it helps sooooo much. I still hurt and break down but that little puppy is there to help cheer me up in those moments. Maybe try a new baby?

@pxlxdx I totally feel this!! Our almost 4 year old pup passed away Friday the 13… a little over a month ago and since that day I feel like everything is such a blur… like I’m running on autopilot. I’ve never had a pup before her that I loved this way so it literally sucks the air out of your soul. Sorry for your loss, I know how hard it is. :heart: