My birthday

Well today the 26th was my birthday didn’t do really anything just woke up and then went with my brother and he shopped for stuff for his fishing trip… birthdays are always hard for me especially these past two with my dad being gone today just felt like a regular Sunday just also happened to be my birthday i don’t know if it’s the depression or what but I haven’t had a very exciting birthday since I turned 10


Happy birthday throws confetti

Thank you for sharing it with us :slight_smile:
Rather than huge celebrations, a nice memory or a moment is also great. You got to hang with your brother while he got his gear, maybe go out with him to use it to make the memory a bit longer!

Glad you’re here with us, we see you!


Hey there @Derpplup, I know how hard birthdays can be, I’ve definitely experienced my fair share of hard ones but I’m here to say happy birthday to you! Everyone deserves to have their birthday recognized and valued. You mean the absolute world to me and you are loved. :heart:


I tend to avoid attention related to my birthday. I had one traditional cake and song when I was six. I’ve never had one since. I do get cards and calls from a few people. I’m totally okay with the “low profile” birthdays. I’d happily forget about them completely. At the same time, I enjoy hearing about others having fun with them. For example:

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