My-brother-died-in-a-car-wreck-on-december-9th-bec - 2592

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My brother died in a car wreck on December 9th, because of the negligence of the other driver. He has a 2 year old daughter and his wife was 6 months pregnant. My brother was my closest friend, and I have struggled so hard with why this had to happen. I question why I am alive, and he is dead. I feel like the wrong one of us died that night, and if I am still here, what is my purpose? Is there any point or purpose? It’s been 8 months, and the pain is just as consuming as when it first happened. I feel a burden to somehow be ok for my parents and everyone who is missing my brother, but I am far from being anywhere close to ok. I’ve been in constant fear of someone else I love dying suddenly, and I have forgotten what peace feels like. Like @silentgarrett said, the person I want to be able to talk about this with, is gone. My niece still asks when daddy is coming home, even though we have told her in an age appropriate way what has happened. My nephew will never know his dad. My husband and I can’t have kids, and that makes me feel even more that it should have been me that died instead.

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Hello Friend
I am so so very sorry for the loss of your brother and under those circumstances I cannot imagine the pain and anger that has sat with you. It was a tragedy and there are no words that change it or make it in any way better.
One thing I would like to say is that, there is absolutely no reason at all why you should have gone instead of your brother, either of you would have been just as bad and as tragic for your parents. I don’t know your family but I would imagine that instead of being a burden, your parents are so thankful to still have you and love you so very much. Have you seen anyone regarding how you are feeling? 8 months is not a long time to grieve the loss of your sibling especially under the circumstances of his passing, it can be a long and very bumpy process and there are no rights or wrongs either, your parents are also on the same road but each of them will be having their own very separate journey, it is different for everyone and the fear of losing someone else is perfectly normal. I would encourge you to talk to your parents if they are open to that and if possible seek grief councelling. I think it would do you well. lastly dont put pressure on yourself to overcome this or want to take your brothers place. You deserve to be here as much as anyone else. You are loved. Lisa. x

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Oh friend. This guilt that you’ve been carrying with you since the disappearance of your brother is so very desp, so very consuming. You’ve had to compose with such a brutal, sudden loss in your life, and it is completely understandable that all of these questions, all of these feelings keep haunting you. I hear so much this cry from your heart and how much losing him has felt like pure agony. I lost my big brother 5 years ago to a disease that took him away quite suddenly. I never thought losing one of my siblings would be a part of my own journey - no one is prepared for that kind of loss. It feels so unnatural, so unfair, it goes against everything you’ve been projecting as you grew up - to get older together, to see each other having families, flourishing, exploring life itself. And suddenly one’s trajectory has been stopped when you are left here, expected to keep moving forward, while your heart craves for holding his hand even just once again. It feels like to keep moving on in life is forbidden - because why would our life keep going when they don’t get that chance anymore? Why them and not us? Based on what criteria? These questions are so painful, and it makes sense for your mind to try to find answers even when they are objectively unfair for you. For what it’s worth, I feel these questions with you. The heaviness of survivor’s guilt, the silent answers to the question “why?”… It’s heartbreaking.

Somehow, it may be possible to find comfort progressively in trying to live our best life to honor them. To not let this guilt win. There are days when this intense guilt that you describe is going to hit harder. But it’s also okay to try to remind yourself as much as possible how your brother would want you to live, how much goodness he would wish for you to have in this life. It’s hard because it feels like betraying him very often… It feels like the more you choose to embrace life, the more you may distance yourself from him. But somehow, there is potential for it to be the opposite. To find him again through life itself, by living the best life you can. We may not ever find any answer to “why”, but we can keep honoring them, and honoring their love. Carrying on their legacy, their voice, their story. By not letting the guilt consuming you to the point of shutting down on life itself, you will allow yourself to grow as he wished you did. You will be able to share his voice and tell his nephew how much of a beautiful person he was. You will be able to support his wife and remind her how much of a good mother she is, and that she is not alone. You will be able to become the person you aspire to be, and you will keep making him proud that way.

There is nothing about who you are that will ever make you less worthy of existing than him. Because it’s not about worth. It’s not about deserving. Even if it fucking hurts to admit it. It’s about things that we don’t have control of, and that are objectively unfair to our heart.

You are not at fault for being alive while your brother isn’t. You have breath in your lungs and that is such a strong, strong power my friend. I know how much it feels like an unwanted burden, a poisoned gift, something that you’d wish trade against his life if that was possible. But you have so much more to give into this world, and in this very life. So much LOVE to share and to receiv, still- and a huge part of it has been directly inspired by your brother, by who he was. He keeps existing through it, through you.

Sending hugs your way. :orange_heart:

@heartsupportwall4 Thank you so much for sharing your experience, your words really spoke to me today :heart:

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