My dating site experiment

I decided to have a little fun, just to test a theory. I created 2 profiles, exactly the same…except for 1 difference: one is a picture of Johnny Sins…a well known…special…kind of actor…who is ripped to shreds, and then a picture of me…who basically looks like flabby Johnny Sins–I’m not even fat really…honestly if I guessed I’d say we actually weigh similar weights, but me fat and him muscle. Now, for the record, i never actually went on any dates with the girls that responded; this was simply an experiment to see how many girls would message me first…and boy oh boy did the messages come in for “Johnny/” But here’s the thing…these messages didn’t just come from the 8, 9’s, and 10’s, no no no…grandmas in my dm’s, over 400 pounders in my dm’s, over 600 messages in one week for Johnny. As for lil old real me: 1 message. from a scammer. Go figure. And the thing is I can’t really say much because us guys pretty much all value looks above all…which kinda sucks cuz…who is honestly hot after 40? Anyways, what started as an experiment has turned into a loss of my faith in humanity. The end.


I find it kind of endearing that grandma’s and 400 pounders have the courage to dream big. Not only that, but on very rare occasions, it pays off.

I’m pretty sure that if you stuck around for a while, you would receive more messages. Perhaps a few of them would come from some genuinely nice people. You could always have faith that humanity will continue to act very human.

How do you think life is for this ripped actor, being swamped by people who can’t see beyond his exterior?

You can go on YouTube, and see a few people who have become very good at scamming the scammers. Among other things, they will hack into the scammers computers and delete everything on their hard drives.


This post does not deserve a reply, it’s offensive and toxic.

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I don’t think you can speak for all guys.
If you have a particular type, that’s okay, but not everyone has to hold the same ideals as you. Idk who Johnny sins is tbh, but I think people are more interested in genuine connection with people. Looks can only get a person so far. I’m not really sure what you’re after.

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its toxic that women hold men to insane ideals that they dont even live up to themselves? the whole point of my post is that people neglect personality and solely look for looks…generally speaking. that is whats toxic. there are exceptions, but when you have 600 to 1 odds that someone will only click you because of your looks, something is toxic with society. I find you generally just like to criticize every little post i make, and that in and of itself, is toxic.

First of all, you were deceitful and used someone else’s picture which by the way can get you in trouble. Secondly, you completely offended older people and over weight people… which is not cool at all. Thirdly, you are toxic and you have been since your first post telling us what you believed to be the definition of toxic because you couldn’t accept that someone called you toxic. And then you play the victim and can’t understand why people cut you out of their lives? open you eyes…

I’m going to put you on iggy now, so I wish you well.

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I don’t think arguing is going to help anyone here. @mlssufan01 yes people online may have a bit of a stigma that first impression/looks matter. They may make quicker decisions. I don’t think you can really know the odds. It may not be fair to judge people based on their looks at all, but we can’t change how people operate. It’s easier to just move along because why would you want to try to change to impress someone who only cares about looks?

@Mystrose i can also understand where you are coming from. I’ve seen quite a few older people meet and find love and happiness! That comes with maturity I guess. Don’t let someone else’s views cloud yours. You don’t have to agree with people at all, hold your head high and don’t stress about people who don’t share your same ideas in this kind of regard. People learn their own lessons of who and how to love. You sound like a totally lovely and accepting person! Thanks for being you x


Okay here is the deal, Im going to be locking this post for a multitude of reasons.

Let me first start by saying @mlssufan01, just because a person looks a different way and receives more messages or whatever have you does not mean that there isn’t someone out there for you. Finding that person you should be with takes work and you are never going to truly put in that work if you make an account where you already have a good hunch on what the outcome is going to be. All that will do is hinder your spirits and make you want to work less in looking for the right person to be with.

With all of that being said, Im closing this post for the following reasons, firstly its NEVER appropriate to generalize people by calling them “grandma’s” and “400 pounders”, If I or other mods see that again we will be temp silencing accounts. Its disrespectful and its not what we promote on this site or organization. We are all human no matter age, size, color, or nationality.

Also, @Mystrose if you think a post should be looked at by moderation then flag it as such (as you initially did) and leave it for us to handle, don’t respond to posts negatively or say that “posts don’t deserve responses”. Everyone, even some trolls, deserve responses. I’m going to ask and reiterate that if you see a post you don’t like or something that concerns you then reach out to us (either by flagging, or DM’g mods) and not take matters into your own hands.

If anyone has questions feel free to DM me on discord: JustinYummerz#4304