My daughter hates me and i want to die but i cant

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Belongs to: Therapist has Questions! by System of a Down
My daughter hates me and i want to die…but i cant because it would kill my son


Hi there,

I don’t know your story or why your daughter hates you, but it seems it happened something very deep that she feels like that towards you, but maybe those feelings are not that intense anymore, and she might have forgiven you. Have you talked to her recently? Maybe having a discussion could fix a bit of those issues.
Wanting to die is a very painful feeling, but what keeps you here is your son, which indeed he really needs his mother by his side. Have you considered going to therapy? A professional might really help you better.
And mistakes can be forgiven and we have a second chance if we really want that.
I hope your daughter will make peace with you, and I hope you can get the help that you really need. And don’t forget that your son needs you here.

There are so many people that need you here. Including your daughter and son, even if it doesn’t seem like it now. Don’t ever give up. There are people that love you and need you. Use that love to carry on.