My-ex-and-i-trying-for-a-child-one-night-and-later - 2572

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Belongs to: HeartSupport_Fans Content #2564
My ex and I trying for a child one night and later that night saw that she was sending things to multiple men. She was my best friend who would even come to tours because she didn’t mind the music I listened to. Ended up falling horribly depressed for the last two years. Horrible debt and grief over the loss of my dog shortly after, too. It’s been a hard one. Garrett is such a wholesome guy and so excited for this Silent Planet album. Mental health matters.

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@alexb_5.0 Oh, friend. My heart goes out to you. It is so brutal to be in this position of building something with someone you love and trust, planning out on your future together, then suddenly feeling pushed in what feels like a never-ending grief. It must have been so hard for you to face this level of betrayal/distrust. It’s such a brutal call to reality. Then on top of it, losing your dog and dealing with debt. It’s like you have been trying to catch your breath during the last couple of years while life was still throwing new obstacles and challenges at you. It makes sense to have felt depressed and to have, without a doubt, been experiencing so many different emotions following this breakup. It must have felt like a downfall out of your control. It’s so beautiful that you are here today and that you are not letting any of these adverse experiences taking the best of you. Even though it certainly feels like you’ve been enduring these events for a while now, you have without a doubt shown tremendous strength. There is hope moving forward and you will regain a sense of ownership in your life, progressively. Hold Fast friend. You got this. <3 Wow, thank you for the very kind words, stranger. I am flabbergasted that someone would take their time to read my post and write back with such a heartfelt response. I truly appreciate your words and will do my best to hold on and push through this storm. I hope you are doing well yourself, friend. :blush:

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@alexb_5.0 Definitely rooting for you from here. <3

Hi there lovely! :orange_heart:

Building a relationship with someone you trust and witnessing it all stumbling down is never easy. You go into a relationship thinking you can trust somebody and that they would never in a million years do anything to hurt you. However it seems like this hasn’t been the case for you. I’m sorry that she was sending things to men behind your back. This is not a way to treat someone you love, not at all.

It seems like you really valued, loved and cared about her, beyond what words could explain, and so I can understand why this loss, coupled with the loss of your dog, could hurt more than expected. Loss is painful, but it sure does make you stronger!

You’ve got this! Keep on fighting the good fight :blue_heart: