My favourite slipknot song i was sitting with myse

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Belongs to: Therapist reacts to Slipknot “Wait And Bleed”
My favourite Slipknot song. I was sitting with myself for 25 years…from when i was 8-9 years old. Main reason? My mother let someone to use me for 8years…was conected with abuse towards me and whats worst to my 6years old Brother… but… im still fighting for justice… 5 years already… 3 appeals… will never give up.


Hi friend. Im sorry you have to go through this. Your perseverance is admirable. The ability to keep your “never give up” mindset even through all the obstacles you have faced is truly amazing. Sending love.

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i’m so glad your favorite slipknot song could be reacted to! it’s a fantastic one. and hey, thank you for opening up about the abuse you went through and the aftermath that followed. your fight for justice does not go unnoticed - it sounds like it has been such a difficult, painful process. your perseverance is admirable. i believe in you and i hope you’re caring for yourself throughout it all. thank you for being here.


Hi friend,
Your strength and perseverance in this situation are truly admirable. You did not deserve what you went through. However, your fighting mentality will most definitely help you not only get a little justice back in this situation but also, in all other avenues of your life. It’s an amazing trait you possess. Keep going, I believe in you!

  • Star :slight_smile:
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Hi there,
Thank you for sharing with us. I am sorry to hear that you have been through a very difficult time. I am so inspired by your resilience and perseverance. You deserve happiness and joy. Keep fighting, be kind to yourself, and good things will come your way. I believe in you. Remember to take care of yourself through this process. We are here to support you in any way that we can. <3

You are doing something very brave and very strong by shedding light on the abuse your brother and you have endured and by trying to bring justice at the same time. It must feel like such a rollercoaster to go through all the steps needed for your voice to be heard, for your pain to be recognized, while going through these different appeals and pushing through again and again. The outcomes at high on symbols and recognition, yet at the same time it feels like yet another obstacle put on your path that you’re supposed to learn to overcome. Not only you’ve been through a major trauma and betrayal, but you are also now challenged to keep advocating for yourself when justice should happen so much more quickly and so much more easily.

Your brother and you should have never been through what you’ve been through, and for what it’s worth from a stranger like me, I’m so damn proud of you for not letting your story live in silence, for making sure that the people who have hurt you could be held accountable for their actions. 25 years is a long time to sit with your pain, and I hope with all my heart that you will have the possibility to experience the results you expect from this process, that you will receive the recognition you deserve from official instances. Rest assured that, right here at Heartsupport, we are wholeheartedly rooting for you and believe in you. You got this, friend, no matter what.
