My inner critic tells me what the truth is agency

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Belongs to: Therapist Reacts to THE POT by TOOL
My inner critic tells me what the truth is. Agency and choice are illusions and nothing that I am capable of doing will matter in any way.


Your inner critic is not the voice of truth. Agency and choice are not illusions but things you can harness. It sounds like you’re stuck in a spiral of hopelessness thinking nothing you will do will matter, but that is simply not true. Please don’t listen to the inner critic that tells you that. I know it sometimes feels like we can’t get ourselves out of what we’re stuck in, but sometimes all we have to do is shift our environment to see clearly. There is more out there for you and I believe that you can find that agency and choice again.

Thank you for opening up on here, it really is commended. Being vulnerable about our struggles is such a huge step in finding lasting solutions. If you’d like to open up any more on what you’re feeling, please feel free to reply here or to come to our forum

I don’t know much about your situation, but I do want you to know that your life does matter. It may not feel like it, but you do have control over your situation, even if it is just in the smallest way. When life beats us down it can feel like an insurmountable struggle to get back up and continue to make progress. But that task is not impossible, and you are so capable of being the change you want to see. You matter, your actions matter, and your decisions mean something. You were not created to be shoved through life, forcibly set on a fixed path regardless of your decisions. You have agency and choice, even if it that realization begins in only in the smallest of things. You matter and your life is important. We are here for you if you would ever like to speak with us more about your feelings.

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I’m so sorry to hear this frustration that you’ve been experiencing. Having an inner critic is something that I find to be incredibly draining. It tends to shut down positive affirmations and overthink me into tremendous spirals. Agency and choice can feel very pointless when you don’t feel like you’re making an impact. I believe that if you enact positive change in just one way, in just one person, then you have free will. I encourage you to know that the things you do are not for nothing. You matter so much. You have so much control over your life, and I know you will be amazing things with it. Sending much love <3

Yea… it’s so hard to feel like no matter how much you try and want to have an impact, your actions may have no effect in the grand scheme of things. That ultimately, we are meant to be forgotten, no matter how talented and capable we can be in certain areas of our life. It’s hard to hold on to a deeper meaning when your inner critic tries to bring into your mind what feels like utmost clarity over life, and maybe over your own value too.

If anything… I believe your post right here is a beautiful example of how much your presence makes a difference. It may not feel as such on your end, but someone may read this comment one day from behind their computer screen and think to themselves that they are not alone in their struggles. That alone can be life-changing - when we start to see the problem for what it is, and not a part of our own identity.

Thank you for posting. Thank you for being present. What you do and what you say may have a higher impact than you can see.