My life feels waste and ive been sober 62 years

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Belongs to: Therapist Reacts to Dear Alcohol by Dax
My life feels waste, and I’ve been sober 62 years.

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Congratulations on being sober for 62 years! That’s an amazing accomplishment! I’m sorry you feel your life is a waste though. No matter what we’ve done or how long we’ve been struggling there is always hope. Your life has purpose. Your story has meaning. Through our struggles we learn so much and then we have the privilege to share that with others when we’re ready. Helping others by relating to their struggles can bring so much meaning to our lives. And it’s never too late! I believe you can discover that purpose and find hope! I believe in you and I’m rooting for you!

It must be so hard to feel like your life is a waste, especially after all the hard work and dedication it took to stay sober for 62 years. That’s a huge accomplishment, and it’s clear you’ve been through a lot to get there. The struggle of feeling like your efforts and achievements don’t add up to much is heartbreaking.

It’s like, you’ve put in all this time and energy, and yet, here you are, grappling with these feelings of emptiness or uselessness. That sense of wondering if it was all worth it, or if it even matters, can be such a heavy burden to carry. It’s understandable to feel this way, especially after such a long journey. Sometimes, the more we achieve, the more we question what it all means in the grand scheme of things. I can’t imagine how exhausting it must be to keep going day after day with these thoughts in your head.

What you’re feeling is real and important, and it’s a reflection of the difficult journey you’ve been on. You’ve done something so strong and so important, and it’s okay to acknowledge that while also recognizing the struggle and pain that comes with it. Your growth is real and is worth celebrating too. You’ve overcome so much, and even if it feels like your efforts don’t matter, they might mean the world to someone else who would read your words here. Sometimes it’s hard to see the impact we have on others, especially when we’re caught in our own pain. Your resilience is beautiful and inspiring my friend, and I hope that just in this very fact, you could start feeling like your presence makes a real difference. You matter very much. :heart: