My mate was shot dead on his honeymoon with a robb

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Belongs to: Therapist grieves with Slipknot - XIX
My mate was shot dead on his honeymoon with a robbery gone wrong. Same year Paul grey died and this album puts me in the corner in the fetal position everytime

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Music can trigger so many strong emotions and memories. I’m so sorry that happened to your friend. Losing someone so tragically can hurt so deeply and cause us to question so much. A song or someone’s story can bring us right back there even years after it happened and it’s like going through it all over again. But it can also help us knowing we aren’t alone. I pray you find peace through the healing process and that the treasured memories you have of him shine through!

I’m so sorry for your loss, friend. I know these words can seem shallow after facing such a brutal loss in your life… although my heart truly goes out to you right now. There’s not enough words to convey the reality of such pain and trauma. Knowing your friend was on his honeymoon and had his life taken away is absolutely heartbreaking. No one should ever lose their life so tragically.

It’s so understandable that this music activates this pain in you and pushes you to feel all of it at the moment. You have lost someone dear to your heart in an unfair, unexpected and brutal way. The pain it leaves is not one to disappear - at best, we learn to compose with it in order to keep on living, but we’re not the same person anymore, and life doesn’t taste the same either.

I hope you allow yourself to give room to this pain and to let it be whenever you feel the need to. To me personally, waves of grief can hit so randomly, but it’s always so much more painful to try to contain it within. Letting it flow through tears and times to sit with it sometimes help - not necessarily to find peace or closure, but at least to allow ourselves to be human. Hurt, wounded, scared, vulnerable, but cared for, no matter what. :heart: