My mom passed away two years ago august 2022 i mis

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Belongs to: Feeling like you re going through struggles alone
My mom passed away two years ago August 2022. I miss her every day and there’s a big hole in my heart.

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Hi there. Thank you for being inspired to reach out and share about your loss and what you’re going through. I’m so sorry to hear that you lost your mom and so recently too. I don’t know the circumstances but when someone we care about passes it’s always too soon. The missing piece that is created is irreplaceable. Sadly there are few words that can ease the mourning process. Time will certainly ebb the pain and hopefully leave just the fond memories. We have little control over the situation and often times our brain will bring up painful memories while working through the healing process. We can do is shift the focus of our mind to help direct the healing to hold on to more positive thoughts. That’s about all we can do is try to teach ourselves a healthy way to navigate the tough time. I know when I’m dealing with mourning of any kind. It could be the loss of a dear family member or even the end of a certain sense of identity. But in any event I turn to gratitude meditation to assist in directing my mind to not just harp on the pain. I know the pain will last as long as it does but I notice that when I do my gratitude practice the heaviness, the woe, the lingering hurt eases a little each time and even though I might still have tears afterward I will also have a little smile as I remember a funny phrase they said or something new gained this new passage in life. Faith for some is also a good place to find solace if that’s in your belief but even if not I find similarities between faith in a higher power and the feelings I get after meditation and gratitude. That sense of things will work out. In fact some of the angst that I notice in myself during the grieving process is this sort of apprehension of the unknown. The “what now”. The “How can I…” questions that the loss leaves. Meditation for me has been a process of learning how to “accept” life as it is, the good and bad, and travel it trying to hold the belief that I will go where I go with an open heart and mind. That’s not to say I won’t experience pain, hurt and challenges but that there’s a sense of I will navigate it as best I can and try to learn something from it. You are not alone in this time. I know you are experiencing a lot of pain from the loss. Totally understandable. My take away from that is your mom must have really been someone precious to you to feel that loss deeply and that in its self is incredible. You had that blessing of the time you had them with you. It does make the immediate hurt more intense but in the long run you have the knowledge that someone loved you and you loved them and that’s amazing. Hold on to the good memories and remember how you are loved. You will get through this tough time.

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