My-mom-recently-had-surgery-and-i-m-slowly-realizi - 2578

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My mom recently had surgery and I’m slowly realizing this road to recovery is going to be far longer than I could’ve imagined and this first day along almost wiped me out. I’m sure it’ll get better soon but it feels daunting. I work nights and then do my best for her during the day. I don’t know how people work two jobs lmao


It is a very hard job looking after someone, it can be very draining with nightshift too. I know how tired and mentally exhausted I get doing those nights, so taking my day time as well to help family I can only imagine would be very fatiguing.
I’m sure they love your support fully, so I do hope that in some moments you can take a break for yourself to rest your body and mind.


juggling as many responsibilities as you are right now is not easy in the slightest. thank you for supporting your mom during her recovery and i truly hope you’re able to find time between work and her recovery to rest your heart, mind, and body. wishing your mom a smooth recovery ahead as well as best wishes for you and your mental health!

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I hope your mother’s recovery goes well, I hope she is ok. I hope that you will be able to take some time each day for yourself to recharge. Maybe when she is sleeping, you can sleep or do something peaceful and enjoyable. It is very hard to care for someone who is recovering from surgery, don’t forget to take care of you too. You matter!

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Hi Friend Thank you for your post. what you are experiencing is so very hard on you both mentally and physically and no one knows until they do it. Caring for someone you love whether it is during and illness or after a surgery is very very hard because you are exhausted but you never feel like you can do enough. Please remember that you can only give of yourself if you care for yourself so take breaks away from the situation, if you feel overwhelmed its ok to say no and walk away and come back to it later and take lots of deep breaths. I have been there and its tough going but yes it does indeed get better. Just please take care of yourself just as much as you do your mum. I wish your mum a speedy recovery and you lots of luck. Lisa x

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It is a difficult task for sure. I have mostly been on the patient side more recently, but have been on the other side as well.

One thing, remember the person should be recovering starting now. And it should very slowly improve or at least change.

Listen to each other; and each others’ needs. Including your own. You, unfortunately, probably have most of the onus on you to realize the stress and manage that; being she’s the patient. But hopefully it evens out as healing happens.

Many communities have caregiver support systems or assistance (ours does through senior services I think: but there are others). So if need be.

Of course, a lot of the stress is just everything being turned upside down. Routines changed. Like you said, balancing with work. And we are all so strapped for time without something else added on.

I hope you both the best and strength through this journey.

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