This is a topic from INSTAGRAM. Reply as normal, and we will post it to the user on Instagram.
Belongs to: It s so important to talk about the monsters rathe
My monsters are real!====
This is a topic from INSTAGRAM. Reply as normal, and we will post it to the user on Instagram.
Belongs to: It s so important to talk about the monsters rathe
My monsters are real!====
Thank you for reaching out! We are so glad you are here. The monsters in our lives can be so powerful, often feeling like they are in control and we are powerless to do anything about them. But they lie to us! They don’t want us to share about them or face them because they know they will lose their grip when we do. They thrive in darkness so we need to shed the light on them. I encourage you to continue reaching out. We are here for you and care about what you’re going through. You are not in this alone!
As @runner12 said, we’re so glad you’re here!
The crazy thing about the monsters is that sometimes they can take on so many shapes and sizes and we don’t know what ours will look like. Mine tend to sneak up on me and come out all of a sudden. But what’s important is that we don’t let them take control. We’re going this battle together and we WILL come through <3