My parents were physically emotionally and mentall

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Belongs to: Therapist Reacts to Prison Sex by Tool
My parents were physically, emotionally, and mentally abusive. I’ve long found solace in rock and metal, more so than people. I still, to this day, struggle with depression and trusting others.


I can relate. They hate me and turned my siblings against me.

I hate that you experienced so much hurt and abuse from your parents. I’m deeply sorry for the pain it must have caused and may still cause you.

Our parents are such a huge instrument in our lives for the better and unfortunately for the worse. Having to survive through abuse is something nobody should ever have to experience.
It’s often a repeated cycle passed on from before, but it doesn’t make it okay and it sure is something horrible and difficult to have to be the one to break the cycle that was so unfairly passed onto you.

I love that music is such a connection and bridge to so many. There’s something less isolating hearing a song that reflects your soul and life experience and then seeing other people come out and say the same thing. There’s some solidarity in the midst of the hurt and pain. There’s a beauty in people coming together to say “this hurts and it ends with me”.