My-wife-passed-away-in-february-a-month-after-my-b - 2584

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My wife passed away in February a month after my birthday. She had been bed ridden and suffering from an illness the last three years of her life. I was fortunate to get a job working from home to be her caregiver. She’s my soulmate and best friend. 11 years together just wasn’t enough.


I agree, 11 years isn’t enough. I’m glad the two of you found each other.

@heartsupport thank you. :black_heart:

Wow - three years of being a caregiver to your wife and finally losing her - holy shit. First off - the beauty of your service to her. That’s so inspiring - you lived out your vows, you chose to sacrifice your life to serve her - that is true love. And what a beautiful display of that that you got to show her every day for the last three years. I know marriage is imperfect so I don’t mean to cast a “perfect light” on it, but actions DISPLAY love, and you chose to support and serve and love her through the hardest time of her life. What a beautiful message to have told her over and over and over through your life - I love you, I love you, I love you. That she passed after hearing that every day for three years? True love. I’m so sorry that she passed, friend - I can’t imagine what you must be going through this year. It’s tragedy because you loved her with all you had. It’s emptiness because you no longer have her. Your whole life - even just practically - was wrapped around caring for her and being there with her, and now you have so much silence, so much emptiness, a huge void that you have now that you didn’t before. And your heart lost its counterpart - it’s so hard to reorient in life after losing someone so core to who you are and what your life is about. It’s like learning to live all over again but having to do it with so much pain and grief that you carry around. So hard. I’m again struck by your strength to carry on and your love for your wife. Thank you for what you did, and for sharing here.