Need a social

Hi I Just moved from Indonesia to here
And I feel so lonely and alone all the time
I don’t have any social and I wish I can.
I’ve been struggling with my mental since I’m here
I kinda depressed. I wish I can be your friend.


I wish I can be your freind. Can we be freinds? I am a person here that is open if you need to talk to someone.


Hi leona nice to know you
I’m cindy! I would love to be your friend too :pleading_face::pleading_face::pleading_face::pleading_face::pleading_face::pleading_face:


Hey friend,

I’d like to encourage you to join the rest of the community on the Discord server and during the live streams on Twitch. These are good places and times to connect with others and socialize. It has personally helped me a lot to feel less alone and break down a feeling of isolation, especially with covid and lockdowns. You are not alone, and you are part of this online family. It would be awesome to see you on stream one of these days!

You are loved. Thank you so much for being here. :hrtlegolove:

Hi @Cindytan ,

On Saturday May 1st, the HeartSupport team deployed to a Taco festival in Houston Texas.

We posted a shortened version of your topic to the Support Wall at the festival, and asked festival goers to respond to your post by writing on a tile. Each picture below is of 1 tile, and is from someone who cared enough to stop and speak encouragement to you.

Here are their replies to your post. We hope that the words and support from these Houstonians help encourage and support you. And hey I’ll be your friend too!


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