Need help (TW: sh and suicidal thoughts)

From akikaka.: Hii lately I have been feeling kinda low. I have been experiencing alot negative self talk, passive suicidal ideation, sh thoughts etc. it’s been 2 to 3 months I’m kinda losing hope in getting better and wanting to end it all. But I’m giving this a chance soo… My main problem is feeling hopeless, worthless I get this sharp pain in my chest like a wave of sadness and emptiness. I tell myself I don’t deserve to eat, I’m not deserving of love etc.
I feel tired all the time smth times it’s more and sometimes it’s barely any, distancing myself from everyone around and just sleep and feel like my problems are not real like I don’t have problems I’m just over-exaggerating what I feel and doing it just for attention. I don’t have the motivation to do anything. It’s hard to describe how I feel so this may sound weird. I want to stop all of these thoughts and actually better rather than having to fake it. I want to quit sh but I can’t just bring myself to I have tried it didn’t work. Uhh let me know what should I do to get better I would love some advice.


From notalawyer0fraud0: You’re so brave for reaching out to people like that. I just wanted you to know that you shouldn’t beat yourself up because of how you feel. It’s not your fault. You’re trying<3

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Hello there,

First of all, thanks for sharing a small glimpse of your world, and your story. I know how hard this must’ve been, but it shows your strength! It’s so important to make your mental health a priority.

I think first of all, your feelings are 100% valid and you aren’t alone. Many people within this community will relate to your struggles with negative self-talk, including myself. Feelings of hopelessness and worthlessness are also common things that so many grapple with daily. These feelings need to be addressed in a supportive and compassionate way.

It’s concerning to hear that you’ve been experiencing passive suicidal ideation and self-harming thoughts. These thoughts can be incredibly overwhelming, but it’s important to remember that they do not define you and that there is hope for healing and recovery.

Feeling exhausted and isolated from those around you, only makes matters incredibly more challenging. However, the first step in the healing process is admitting that there is a problem, and then seeking help from friends, family, therapists etc to address it. The same with stopping self-harm. To do this, you need to find healthier ways of coping and have tools for when times get rough, and a therapist/counsellor can support you with this.,

You are worthy of love, support, and healing :orange_heart:

Thank you for taking the courage to share this. It is difficult to admit and share when you are struggling.
The way that you’ve been feeling has been impacting your physical and social health.
You are not alone in feeling hopeless. The problems that you are experiencing are important to address because you are worth the effort to take care of yourself. You are worthy of nourishing your body. You are worthy of receiving love. If you feel like what you are doing is for attention, it probably is that you really do need the care and attention.
If you haven’t tried counseling, HeartSupport has a partnership with Better Help for a free 7-day trial. You can find the link for that and other ways the community can support you here: Get Help | HeartSupport
If things get worse, please don’t hesitate to reach out to a trusted friend or use crisis resources Crisis Resources | HeartSupport
I believe that you will be able to work through this a live a life worthwhile. You are courageous to survive this far. I hope that you’ll be able to find the help you need to get back to living your best life. Hold Fast.

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I promise you that none of what you have shared here seems weird - on the contrary, you describe things that are highly relatable to many, and it makes sense to feel lost when you’re experiencing such strong emotions. I’ve myself been through similar experiences as yours, sometimes more or less intensely, and you’re absolutely right: the hopelessness feels really like a sharp pain in the chest. It’s so raw and so deep at the same time, making it hard to put into words really.

If I may ask: have you been receiving any support for any of those feelings and struggles previously? Are there people in your direct entourage that are aware of what you’re going through, or could be safe allies for you? I’m just asking because these feelings you describe can make someone feel really alone and isolated in their struggles, and one very practical way to start breaking down this wall of shame and hopelessness, is through the connections we can establish with others. Could it be loved ones or a professional, thinking about how to develop and extend your support system could be an interesting start. It’s intimidating at first of course… and it can activate a tons of fears. Although walking through those fears can help you feel more in control and stronger as you face those struggles.

You just did it right here by reaching out and being openly vulnerable. This is a strong, first step and I’m so proud of you for reaching out. :heart:

From .idk_k: Not that much. And only one ig

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