Night thoughts

Yesterday was a rough day. I woke up with an headache, after the day before I had a slight panic attack. Despite my headache I was able to keep calm during the day. I started with a new interest, and kept myself busy with it through the day.

I felt all day lonely, but it was ok. I didn’t felt abandond, or ignored, despite nobody contacted me. In the evening I had a short chat with a HeartSupporter which felt good, after she contacted me. After a while she didn’t answer any more, which also was fine, I knew she had other things doing parallel.

My headache went stronger so I took an Ibu again, and went to bed eventually. I woke up about an hour ago, (at 2am) and went through some discord messages. None to reply though.

I feel still lonely, but it is bearable. I made grilled turkey, after I hadn’t hardly eat anything the day before.

It is all silent outside. My cat was sleeping next to me, just to get into “I am starving, feed me” mode just after I got up. Fed her some treats, after it was apart of her feeding time.

Thought about having someone beside me, I could watch sleep. I feel like comunicating with someone, leaving a message. Just something “I think of you” … I don’t do it, it would be inappropiate.

Turned the TV on, to have some background noise. Seinfeld again. Switchted Channel. Was thinking about the future, what goals I have, once I have overcome my current situation. It seems far away, but reachable.

I feel I am getting sad, but not panicing. It is ok I guess.

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Thank you for sharing. :hrtlegolove:

It’s still super positive to see that you’re thinking about your future and making plans. Indeed, it may be far away. But what’s far away can be reached with plenty of small steps. Day by day. You’ll build for yourself this environment that you need and deserve. You’ll make the right decisions to live the life that you want. You’re very aware of your needs and resources already. That’s a real strength.

Keep taking care of yourself. Be gentle with yourself.

Hold fast. :hrtlegolove:

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