O italian restaurant grandmother i just recently l

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Belongs to: Therapist gets Paranoid by Black Sabbath
Italian restaurant grandmother I just recently lost my brother for a month ago and my dad about


Thank you so much for sharing. Loss is so incredibly difficult! The grief of losing a loved one leaves a gap that feels irreplaceable. I can’t imagine the pain of what you’re going through. Two losses back to back can compound the pain, too. I lost my mom in 2021, and then both of my grandfathers in 2022. The drastic change that hit so quickly felt like my foundation had crumbled. The people I loved most in the world suddenly gone. The people I would turn to, I could no longer call. To lose your brother and dad I image would be similarly disarming. In this pain I hope you find some pillars and steadiness in your life. I hope that you can give yourself some grace while you go through this. Sending you love! Thank you for reaching out to HeartSupport!

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Hey there. I want to start off by saying, I am so sorry to hear about your loss. Losing one person is hard, I cannot even imagine how it feels to lose more than one in such a short amount of time.

Grief can be a slow burn, like quick sand. Like you step in the pit and slowly start to sink. You don’t know which is better letting yourself sink further down, or try to force your way out. Both can be bad. One you just let yourself drown in the sadness and heartache, the other you try to move on too quickly. Both are encompassing. Sometimes a cry for help is what you need. Because then someone will hear and come to your rescue to pull you from the sinking.

Reaching out here is a great start in helping yourself get pulled out of grief. Finding a support network, asking for help, is a great start and will help you heal. Grief is not a battle you should go at alone. Just like quick sand, you’re more likely to get out if someone pulls you out. Never go at grief alone.

You are seen, you are heard, and you are loved.