Oct 3rd is suppose to be my wife and i s 9 year we

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Belongs to: Therapist wishes you were here. (Pink Floyd)
Oct 3rd is suppose to be my wife and I’s 9 year wedding anniversary and we split in February :pensive:


Hi Friend,

Thank you for sharing. I’m so sorry to hear about your separation from your wife earlier this year. I know this must be a hard time for you. Making the adjustment to such a big change in your life is a lot and it takes time. Big reminders such as these certainly don’t help those heavy feelings as we start to think about the if onlys and the what ifs. I hope you were able to spend Oct 3rd with some family or friends that could provide you with some support, love and encouragement on that day.

I hope that as the days go on, you remember to be compassionate with yourself and to take care of yourself as you go through this healing journey and this life adjustment as you work on mending your heart. As you take things one day at a time, I hope that the day will come where you feel okay and you can hold your head up again. :white_heart:

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@@HeartSupport thank you so much for that. I actually was able to spend the day with my uncle who makes me feel safe to even feel the hurt that day. My only choice was moving back with my mom at 30 years old but I’m taking it all one day at a time and just rolling with the punches. And HeartSupport is definitely a big helper in my healing process. Like very instrumental in my healing process so thank you for taking the time and for making me feel heard. You are amazing :heart: (and all of HeartSupport is too)



I’m glad your uncle was there for you that day. It’s a relief to know you didn’t have to go through that day alone. It’s great that you are feeling supported throughout your healing journey. We are always one post away! :white_heart:

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