Oh for sure what if you had to quit playing guitar

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Belongs to: Sometimes every day is a struggle can you relate t
Oh for sure ! What if you had to quit playing guitar :guitar: the one thing that gives you true satisfaction. Well I had to quit my job of 20 yrs because I’m sick. I suffer in pain all day every day. I feel like you do. We all feel like it’s a ripple effect on our souls. We are constantly going through trials & tribulations. We have people who count on us. That’s what keeps me going.
2 of my BFF :dancing_women: killed themselves a month apart. No notes no signs of any depression. So I know how it feels to be left not knowing why? I will always remember the good times :peace_symbol::heart_decoration::metal:#mentalhealth

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Thank you so much for reaching out and sharing! I’m so sorry you have to deal with daily pain and had to quit your job ! I understand how you feel as I’ve been dealing with a chronic illness as well that has changed my ability to work. It can feel like we’ve lost a part of ourselves and like we’re lost. It’s so true what you said about having people who count on us which keeps us going! Trying to focus on others who need me has been so rewarding and takes my mind off what I’m struggling with. Having people count on us can be a new way of fulfillment and purpose. I admire your attitude and can tell you are strong and resilient and your struggles have made you empathetic. You will undoubtedly help others and that’s a blessing! Thank you for that! God bless you and stay strong!

@heartsupportwall6 wow ! What a compliment. Thank you but it’s just me. Ask people that know me personally :heart_decoration::peace_symbol:
yeah my disease has me dying since the show. :metal::drum::guitar::heart: IDC.
I knew . :weary:I was going to pay dearly. But this blows. Check on your friends. I’ll just turn you guys on my ears. Then pray for you and the rest of the guys to kick a$$ :metal::black_heart::drum::guitar::sweat_drops::pray::heart::peace_symbol: the remaining NA tour.