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Belongs to: Therapist scared to react to Slipknot - Psychosocial
one of my fav slipknot songs but hearing you read what it means to me inside made me cry. feels good knowing others feel what i do daily. sometimes we have no ally but ourselves.
Thank you for sharing how this video and the analysis resonated with you. It’s powerful how sometimes pieces of content like this can be the catharsis of emotions we’ve been holding within. It’s like holding a mirror to our soul, and it feels good to give ourselves permission to let things out when it’s needed. I hope that the tears brought relief to your heart. It sounds like you’ve been carrying a good amount of pain and overwhelm on your shoulders, and that it would be welcome to just have a space and times to feel and be just as you are, just as you need.
You’re right, sometimes we have no ally but ourselves, which can feel like a curse and so very isolating. I know for me personally that a lot of hard seasons I’ve been through were also marked by a deep sense of loneliness. I wasn’t necessarily alone on the paper, but the leap to take in order to reach out and say “I’m not okay” was terrifying. Not to mention all the fears of being misunderstood, and having to make someone see things the way you do, so they could hear you out properly, without judging. It’s just hard to reach out sometimes, which is one reason more to be proud of yourself for sharing a bit of your voice here and how you’ve been feeling lately.
Rest assured that you are definitely not alone, no matter what struggle you’ve been facing. It’s hard to learn to have a kind outlook on ourselves, even more challenging to maintain it over time. Many of us are on that path towards self-acceptance and self-love, but it surely takes a lot of time, patience, grace and unexpected detours to get there. It may feel like we’re all on our individual roads, but through it all there are emotions and experiences that we collectively share. There’s something reassuring in this thought and in knowing that we wouldn’t be judged for feeling the way we do, no matter what.
I hope with all my heart that your wife and you will know seasons of joy, peace and relief very soon. If you would like to share more about what’s been going on in your life, what resonates the most with you in this song, feel absolutely free to talk about it here. You’re not alone, friend. I see you, and I’ll be rooting for you. Hold fast.
@@HeartSupport years of mental and physical issues that i had no one to help me through because (it felt like) no one cared and it was my job to be there for others not to need others help. i’ve been in and out of psych units and hospitals and seen many “doctors” for help but the meds don’t work and alot of times i forget to take them if they did help any. i currently am on 6 meds and still everyday feels like a struggle just to roll out of bed. we have 2 babies under 2 and i’m a stay at home dad for them and have to put my pains aside to be here for them while mommy works. i love my kids and do not fear losing control and hurting them i fear my brain not working right and not seeing they need me in emergencys. i have had seizures while holding them and dropped my 18 month old when she was about 6 months because of it. i am so scared of accidently hurting them but have to control it so i don’t. my wife struggles with mental health also and is on meds as well. we both have trouble even opening up to each other. its so hard and nothing seems to help. talking helps get things off the mind but can it actually help with the issues when meds aren’t working? how do we ask for help without CPS wanting to take the babies away? life has become a bundle of fears and the stress is killing me.
Also, I mention that you can use our forum ( if you want to continue the practice of naming and expressing emotions as they come up.