Optimism for Everyone

Hey, hey you!
Yes, you.
I just wanna say…
You’re awesome. You’re stronger than you know. You will get through this. You’re perseverant, whether you realize it or not.
Even if it’s a glass half full day, glass half empty, or glass completely shattered, you are worthy of love.
Keep up the amazing work. I’m proud of you all!

:blue_heart: Krymmenos


Hi Krym,
you are too.
you are awesome. you matter most my friend !
Thank you, thank you everyone here, reading this.
Have a wonderful day ! You are all loved and you all matter most ! :purple_heart:


Thank you for this uplifting message @Krym. Every once in a while, it’s very welcome to receive encouraging reminders!

Appreciate your presence as well and the care you’ve been providing on others posts. If you ever want to join a group to help responding to forum topics (just another cool way to share life together too), feel free to join a Support Wall Action Team on our Discord server. We always need more people willing to help others, and you surely have this spark in you!

Thank you for being here. :hrtlegolove:

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Love to see posts like these. <3


Hi @Micro ,
I would love to join a SWAT team. However, being under 18 prevents me from joining any currently running groups. I’m just doing what I can for now!

Thank you for your kind words.
:blue_heart: Krymmenos


Hey that is still good to hear! We may be re-opening a new group for youth some time soon. I would keep you updated on that, if you want. :hrtlegolove:


Hi again @Micro ,
That would be amazing. Thank you!
:blue_heart: Krymmenos


Thank you krym! You’re amazing


From: The Blind Ash

My dear friend these wonderful words of encouragement are wonderful. I have very much enjoyed them today. The simple reminder that hey its okay to be how you are today. To believe that one day it will get better is the only way to go forward and that makes me happy to share this thought with you. Thank you for encouraging everyone no matter where they are at.

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