Panic attacks all day

From kitkatwrites: Random fear of nukes
Just need someone to talk to NOT about it, need to take my mind off of it, because the more I think kgabout the more I panic and there is no reason to be afraid of it rn
panic attacks leaving me weak and hard to move
It’s finals week at my college and I have good grades so I guess my brain needed something else to worry about
I have a therapist but a while till next appointment
Please help


Hi Kitkatwrites. I did a short video to respond to your post and offer support. Thank you for taking time to post. Panic attacks all day - Social Media / Support -- Response | Loom

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From kitkatwrites: Thank you :blush:==============

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From kitkatwrites: I feel much better today but it helps to know there’s someone out there who cares. Especially because this is a recurring fear off and on for me.

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