
My parents are always fighting, and my mom is just so mean to everyone. They’re fighting right now and swearing and stuff, and part of me just wants them to get divorced so I do not have to hear the yelling. They always talk about divorce and living seperate and stuff but they never do. I can’t seem to cry right now but this isn’t reallu helping the depression. I don’t want to make it all about me but I think I have been feeling suicidal lately. The only reason I haven’t gone through with it is the fact that I hate pain but right now I have a lot of emotional pain. I like living sometimes but not lately.

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I’m really sorry you’re going through this. It sounds like things at home are really tense, and that kind of environment can deeply affect your emotional health. Your parents fighting and talking about divorce must feel overwhelming, and it’s understandable that you’d wish for some peace. Wanting them to stop or hoping for a resolution doesn’t make you selfish; it just means you’re human and deserve a place where you feel safe.

It’s tough when the emotional pain feels constant, and I’m really sorry you’re feeling like this. The fact that you’re here, sharing these thoughts, is a sign of strength. You’re acknowledging your emotions, and that’s important.

It’s okay to talk about how you’re feeling and reach out for support. Whether it’s a trusted friend, a family member who understands, or a mental health professional, having someone listen can make a world of difference. You don’t have to go through this alone. Sometimes, simply sharing your feelings, without judgment, helps lighten the load a bit.

You mentioned liking life sometimes, but not lately. Those moments that bring you joy are worth holding onto, and it’s worth seeking support so you can experience more of those. Your well-being matters, and even in this tough period, there’s a path forward.

Taking a break is always beneficial, too. When I’m experiencing something similar to this situation, I tend to change my mood and go out for a walk. I try to find a time when everyone’s settled down and willing to talk, then slowly develop the topic towards the problems they are experiencing.

Take things one day at a time, and don’t hesitate to seek help from those who care. You’re not alone in this, and please remember that you are very very valuable and are loved. Hope this helps!

Hello Friend,
Thank you for your post. It sounds like you are going through a really horrid time right now and I am sorry this is happening.
When the two people who brought you into the world and whom you love most are yelling at eachother and being mean to one another it is incredibly hard to hear, I can imagine that you just want to go out there and tell them both to just stop and make it right but on the other hand part of you may just want them to separate so the fighting stops right??
It is ok to have either of both of those feelings, your parents have put you in a very difficult situation, I don’t think they have done that on purpose, it isn’t done to hurt you, but when people emotions get wound up and annoyed they do not seem to consider the people around them even if it is their child.
Are you able to talk to your parents in quieter moments and tell them how you feel when they argue? If not have you got another adult who you could explain it to who could talk to them. I am sure if they understood how upset this was making you they would try harder not to do this in front of you. Its great that you have opened up on here and Im super proud that you have done that but if you are having sucidal thoughts I would be so grateful if you could find someone there to also reach out to, a teacher, a friend, a friends parent, another family member anyone who can just listen to you. You are doing the right thing by talking, its so important to get your feelings out. You sound like an amazing person who just happens to be stuck in a not so good situation at the moment. Please keep in touch here too.
You are loved. Lisa x

Hello @Thatgirl,

First of all, welcome to HeartSupport! We’re happy that you’ve decided to join us.

I’m so sorry you’re going through all of that. It’s a lot for anyone to handle, let alone someone who’s dealing with depression and suicidal thoughts. If you wanted to, you can try having a sitdown conversation with them, and just lay out what’s going on, like how you’re feeling, why you’re feeling that way, and how the fighting and all the turmoil is affecting you. Their issues with each other may be to a point that they have blinders on and are not even realizing the effect their arguments can have on others. Hopefully you getting on a path of recovery can help them as well.

Just remember, you took the biggest step of your mental health journey by opening up and sharing your story. Now it’s time to write the next chapter <3

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Hi @Thatgirl,

I can relate to your post too. My Asian parents are arguing about divorce but they are not willingly to admit the relationship is failing. It’s none of my business to get involved. It’s their personal problem. Culture can played a huge factor why people don’t want to get divorce. In Asia, people shamed people for getting divorce. There is nothing wrong with divorce due for your happiness and your children. Sometimes parents forget their actions can affect their son or daughter.

Trying to talk your parents first about the conflict and recommend family therapy. The parents don’t want to improve their relationship.Then, the best choice is to focus on taking of your physical & mental health. You can’t always fix everything in life.

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Hi Thatgirl,

Thank you for opening up and sharing with us what has been going on and how you have been feeling. I’m sorry to hear that your parent’s marriage is struggling and that it is taking a toll on you emotionally and mentally. Maybe your parents are unaware of the damage they are actually causing by continuing to be in their marriage? They might not even know that their arguments and fights can be heard.

I think that maybe it is time to make things all about you and for your voice in the matter to be heard. Because everything is affecting you negatively, and your well-being matters. Your feelings about all of this are valid, and if you feel comfortable enough, maybe try sharing it with your parents so that they know and so they can help (hopefully).

I hope things get better for you somehow, whether that’s your parent’s working things out, or finally deciding to get that divorce. I just want for you to get the support and healthy living environment that you need, and deserve. :white_heart:

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