People problems!

For some reason I care so much what people think about me. When I walk pass a group of friends at work or get up to leave a group of people at the table at work I feel like they talk about me in a bad way. Even though I can’t find evidence that they would have anything against me I just feel this way. Im Paranoid all the time people are talking about me and plotting against. When people joke with me i take it personally. Can anyone give me advice? I work in a environment that people pick at each other. We’re I work you gotta have thick skin. It’s hard sometimes.

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It’s not always easy to be a work environment like that. Im not really sure how but I just got to the point where I don’t care about what a single person says to me. Unless it’s someone close. Just gotta keep telling yourself that their opinion doesn’t matter to you. They don’t know you if they keep talking bad about you. Whether they are or not it doesn’t matter what they say

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Hi WaitingOne,

Hoo boy do I understand that. I’m working somewhere where people make fun of each other. So it makes me wonder if they are making fun of me when I leave. I’m pretty sure they do. Now they laugh in my face too. I really hate it. I just want you to know that how they treat you does not define you. You are worth more than their opinion of you.

If you ever feel like it is becoming too much. Talk to HR if it gets too toxic of a work environment they should know so that they can maybe help stop it. You can also say something anonymously.

If none of that works, find a better place to work. Trust me. It’s not worth that stress. You can always find something better. Stay strong, friend. We are here for you.


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Is this paranoia relatively new? Have you felt judged or have you worked where you do longer?

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My last job I had I worked at for 10 years. Started out as a young kid at 18 years old. Every mistake I made was thrown in my face. The things people would say to me and behind my back I think had a big impact on how I’m so Paranoid today. I have a new job that I have been at for 4 years now. It’s a lifetime job. Just recently in the last 2 years I started to look around me and get paranoid

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I’m sorry you get paranoid. It takes time to get better. You won’t feel paranoid as you are now. Keep doing your best to improve. I hope you are having a decent day. Thank you for sharing. God bless you.