People shit to me is a reminder to not get my hope

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Belongs to: Therapist reacts to People=Shit by Slipknot
People=Shit, to me, is a reminder to not get my hopes up, a reminder that the majority of people are self-centered and convenience oriented. The best way to push people away is to ask for help when you need it the most. Very, very few people will ever go out of their way to help you.

“Would you rather be with me in my pain, or never be with me again?”

Thats a line from a poem I wrote. Most choose the latter.

People love to say “call me if you need to talk”, most don’t mean it, and the few that do mean “I will talk you off the ledge, after that you are on your own.” Virtually no one means “hey, your welcome any time, and you don’t have to be on the ledge.”

There are only so many times you can bounce off point break before you can’t keep getting up anymore. Most people don’t realize that. They don’t want to acknowledge that reality. I’ve gotten to the point where, either I make it, or I don’t. There is no more reaching out. I’ve already reached out to anyone that could make a difference.

So, for now, I’m going to do my best to stay around to give my cats the best life I can. Cats love you for you. They aren’t fake. If they like you, it genuine. If they are hanging out with you, its because they want to. They are there with me when I don’t have the strength to imagine continuing. They will even take turns so I’m not by myself until I get through it. They are genuinely happy to see me when I get home from work.

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I agree that many people are self-centered and convenience oriented. People will also act how we expect them to and how we give them the ability to. The immaturity that runs from real issues is a huge issue in our society. We have lip-service of people pleasing words but then don’t show up when it’s hard and matters the most. Do we visit people in hospitals? Do we sit with the sick? Are we there in the good AND bad and inbetween? I agree that most people just don’t know how to be good people. They don’t know how to turn towards negative emotions and big problems and not turn away.
Like in the story of the Good Samaritan, the people who think they are righteous cross over on the other side of the road and do not care for the broken and weary. The ethic of CONSISTENT and unconditional love and support is rare and is a huge lack in our society today.
However, the butterfly effect and family systems theory says that it just takes one person changing their communication patterns to be a positive force to uproot these natural patterns. Yes, people don’t know how to love, so let’s teach them. Yes, people don’t know how to serve and give, so let’s be that person who consistently shows up for others. People reciprocate your action and i’ve learned that the more I give without expecting any return, the more love and connection and joy I have in my life. Giving is the greatest gift. Everytime you feel abandoned, reach out to someone, show love to someone else and it is likely to come back to you. You will have the strength to keep getting back up-- for your cats but also for the web of humanity that can be whatever we put into it. It can be evil and dark or beautiful and bright. You will see what you look for. So look for the light and you will find it. Look for the truth and you will find it.
God says “you will seek me and you will find me when you seek me with all your heart.” The answers are not hidden from you but right behind the veil of all the lies. There is love for you beyond what you could ever imagine and purpose that you could never dream of!

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I’m sorry to hear how much you’re hurting, it must feel so isolating to think you’re truly alone. If you haven’t been told, you aren’t a burden. Your existence, your emotions, your pain, is not a burden to anyone.
Feeling isolated and alone in this world is a heavy feeling. I find that I rarely express my struggles until I’m a puddle of tears. Our culture and society often teach us and normalize masking our emotions. For example, when do we ever respond to “how are you?” as anything other than “good, and you?” I found that this feeling of only having company when you’re at your lowest has to do with not expressing our emotions.
I’m sorry that you don’t feel like you have companionship of someone who makes you feel like they’re always there for you and want the best for you. One thing that I talked about once with my previous partner was regular check-ins. He vocalized that he would appreciate me checking up on him every so often to have that support. It might not be the easiest thing to ask, but I find that most times people are very willing to help and reach out if you let them know that it’s something you truly need.
I’ve definitely thought before and resonated with the phrase “People=Shit”, but that is a broad generalization. Some people are terrible and unsupportive, but there are also so many people that have so much love in their hearts that you haven’t met yet. You haven’t even met 1% of the entire world’s population, that leaves lot of people for you to get to know who can love on you and support you in ways you’ve never been supported before.
Having hope can feel so pointless sometimes. I often will ask myself “Am I just setting myself up to be disappointed?”, but that has never been the case. To have hope and faith that things will get better is what keeps us going and allows us to be open for revolutionary change in our lives. The closest people in my life are ones that I haven’t known for more than 2 years. It can feel like this feeling will last forever, but even our strongest and most painful emotions are all temporary.
You seem like a very kind and compassionate person in the way you care for your cats and want to give them nothing but the best. I’m sure so many people find this very admirable and want to be in your life. I hope that you will be able to let down your walls and open your heart up to all of the love that is waiting to wash over you. All of us at HeartSupport are here for you for further support, please don’t hesitate to reach out. You are so strong, I know you will find healing, happiness and peace. You are so deeply loved <3

@@HeartSupport Unfortunately, I have reached out and told people I need help, and how they are able to help if they are willing.

And here I am with my kitties. So, being that they know I need help, and how they can help if they wish too, and that i’ve asked a few times, I would say it is very safe to say that I am a burden. Or, at least, I would be IF they were to care enough to help.

The only thing hope has ever done for me aside from preventing me from seeing reality, is allow me to feel good once in a while so everything hurts even more. If however, the pain is uninterrupted, you get used to it, and when its gone on long enough, you forget what it feels like to actually feel good. When that is interrupted by feeling good for a moment, the pain is 1,000 X worse than it was when it was simply the constant that is your existence with no hope for it ever being worth living for the sake of it.

There is nothing more to life for me than this. I gave everything I had to the possibility of something better that I had ANY influence on whether or not it happened.

So, its me and the cats. As long as work is decent to good, I will keep going, providing my cats the best life I can.