Planning suicide

[sorry this is very long]
I’ve been having intense feelings of wanting to die for some weeks now. I feel like I can’t call a helpline and talk out loud in my own language. I’ve always been been better at writing in English.

I have decided on May 2nd, which means only one more week. I’ve got Benzos and I will buy some alcohol. Soon I’ll be free of everything and just get to rest. I’m already thinking in terms of what errands I should take care of and what is no longer necessary. What clothes I want to die in. I’ve written a note, but I will probably write a bit more. On Wed the 1st, I will get my benefits, and I will be able to eat one more meal at my favorite restaurant. I will buy sweets and pastries, and I will spend the evening with my boyfriend, watching things together. It’s a shame I’ll never see this spring, but at least I don’t have to live through another dark depressing winter.
Part of me finds great relief and joy in all this. But another part is very anxious and really doesn’t want to do this. I’m having trouble sleeping and I feel physically sick. But it’s just a beautiful thought that it will all be over.

I feel guilty about how this might affect my family and friends. But they’ll be fine, at least I hope so. Surely my boyfriend can find someone much better than me. My parents have two other children, as well as grandchildren. They’ll probably be OK… but I’m not entirely sure of this. My mother is very sick and I’m worried her heart might fail if she’s too upset about it. But maybe she will be relieved in the end, because I’ve been asking for money and she’s always so worried about me. Soon there will be nothing more to worry about. She can focus on being a grandma and keep her own money and buy something nice. My brothers are healthy and have careers and a good income. They’ll be there for my parents.

Here’s some backstory.
I’ve been struggling with depression most of my life, with bouts of euphoria and excitement in between. I was diagnosed with bipolar type 2 8 years ago, and my meds have helped with mania, but it seems like the depression has been strengthening. I have upped my antidepressant, as the doctor told me to, but I have yet to see any change in my mood or thoughts.

I’m unable to have a full time job, so I work part time with a small pension and some social benefits. Money is always very tight and I’ve had to ask my parents for help. I feel like a burden to everyone. I’m 44 and it’s likely I will never have any kind of career. I wanted to be a writer, but at this age, I feel like it should have already happened. Each year I feel worse about my inability to focus on things and get anything finished. I’m incapable of finishing even a short story. (I have so many ideas, but I just can’t flesh them out.) Writing was going to be the meaning of my life, and now I have no meaning. I just drift from day to day, working very little, watching things online. I’m worried that I might be addicted to sugar, and it probably isn’t helping. I feel like I’m massive and I used to be body positive but I don’t know anymore. (I’m 5’3 and 200 lb ). I wanted to accept my body, but I have a very hard time of it. However, the idea of limiting food, especially sugar, feels unbearable.

I lived with a room mate for six years and we were close, but now we don’t meet each other that often and I feel lonely. I’m in a long distance relationship, and we love each other a lot, but we’re both broke and he is currently unemployed and living with his parents. He is not out to them as either queer or trans. It’s complicated. It was nice to share my daily life with someone, even i it wasn’t romantic. I miss that and I don’t know if I will ever have it again, if the relationship doesn’t pan out. Should I pack my bags and move to the US? (I live in Finland.) I can’t afford it.

I haven’t managed to make a single friend in the two years I’ve lived alone. I have literally three friends. I live in a relatively big city and there are hobbies and peer support groups galore, but the thought of going to one is overwhelming. I’m often scared of new people. I’m volunteering at a cat shelter, which has given me a lot of joy, and I meet people there, but I haven’t made any actual friends. The volunteer work has really kept me going, but now I just feel tired when I go there. I’m just so tired all the time.

I honestly see my future as very bleak. My ability to work increased slightly when I got on meds - I couldn’t work at all in mania - but I have a very small amount of energy. Some days I can’t get anything done at all. I feel powerless and it feels like my life is already over, I’m just going to get older and likely get sick at a young age. I will likely live in poverty my whole life. I don’t feel like I deserve to live. Maybe it’s a mistake that I was even born. I just feel so worthless.

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Hello. Sorry to read that.
I do have suicidal thoughts too. I’ve tried to cut myself today but didn’t work.
Please don’t end your life. Let’s proove to our intruisive thoughts thhat they are wrong. Let’s say one day that life might be worth it. Let’s win this battle together. Please.

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Thank you for being vulnerable with us. I want you to first know that you are not alone and matter so much more than you currently think. Your ability to be vulnerable and express how you are feeling is inspiring, and I am proud of you for sharing it with us. Life is full of ups and downs, and I am sorry to hear that you are losing hope. I believe in you. There is no rush in life to find purpose or a calling. No matter your age, if you enjoy writing, pour your heart into it! I would personally love to read something of yours.

You add so much light to the lives of those around you: your family, your friends, and your boyfriend, and I don’t want negative self-talk to blur that! I have let voices in my head dictate my feelings and how I saw things, and what I can say is that it really distorts things from reality. I want to encourage you to visit your doctor again and talk to them about what you are currently feeling and what a good plan of action is. I do not know everything about you, but I hear you and have so much faith in you. Give yourself the chance to open your arms to new opportunities, friends, and experiences. Please hold on, because good things are coming to you, you just have to believe in it. Having an open mindset really puts you on the edge of luck. My friend, please hold on. Be there for your mother while she goes through this difficult time, strengthen your relationship with your siblings/other family members, pursue your writing, search for different ways you can reunite with your significant other. Let hope and the good voices win.

I know for myself that when I have a lot of things on my mind, it is really helpful for me to think about them and try to solve them one by one. Is there a trusted friend or family member you could confide in? Maybe by sharing here, you could clear your mind and get things off your chest? If you are comfortable, just know we are here to listen and help with anything you need. Please hold on; you deserve love, happiness, and all the good this life can give. You have a whole community of people at Heart Support who really care and are here to help you in any way possible. I am sending love and hugs. <3

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Crisis Text Line: Text “HOME” to 741741
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: Call 988
National Suicide Prevention Chat: HERE

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Welcome in @WillowJordan,

Please know there is no need to apologize for the length of your posts. You’ve taken the time to share things that are important, about your life, your inner world too, and it can never be too long. On the contrary, thank you for choosing to create an account and post here. It takes courage to decide to open up about the way we feel as well as some of our darkest thoughts, especially in a world that can seem to be so isolating at times. It’s our honor here to have the possibility to get to know you through the gift of your vulnerability. Thank you for being here today.

I’ve been having intense feelings of wanting to die for some weeks now. I feel like I can’t call a helpline and talk out loud in my own language. I’ve always been been better at writing in English.

This makes a lot of sense. English isn’t my language either, and I’ve noticed that when I reach out in my native language, things feel so much more real and deep. It’s almost like using a different language is a kind of filter that adds distance to the way you feel, so you can reach out safely. Putting words on how we feel is intimidating and sometimes feels like reactivating open wounds over and over. It’s okay if it feels safer to use a different medium or a different language right now. Somehow, this could also become a stepping stone, an intermediate state before feeling more confident with opening up in your own language. Again, it’s already very brave of you to open up like you did here through this post.

Part of me finds great relief and joy in all this. But another part is very anxious and really doesn’t want to do this. I’m having trouble sleeping and I feel physically sick. But it’s just a beautiful thought that it will all be over.

It sounds like you have a detailed plan in mind and it makes sense to feel like this perspective brings both relief and conflicting emotions at the same time. When it feels like your entire life is constantly out of your own control, that it is somehow conditioned by things you’ve never asked for and can’t improve right away, death can seem to be our only way left to find peace within. For what it’s worth, I’ve been dealing with suicidal thoughts for a significant part of my life, although going back and forth between states of hope and despair, I’ve come to realize that our mind when we are depressed is so good at telling us lies about ourselves, about the people we love and how they see us, about the things we can or cannot do - about our ability to see a future for ourselves. It creates this kind of tunnel vision that makes hope impossible to tolerate. It disguises lies into truth. Which feels so conflicting. As you said:

Part of me finds great relief and joy in all this. But another part is very anxious and really doesn’t want to do this. I’m having trouble sleeping and I feel physically sick. But it’s just a beautiful thought that it will all be over.

There is a part of you that craves for life when another wants to lean towards the idea of ending it all. Somehow, both of these parts may be saying the same thing: a wish for life and a need for peace altogether. For the possibility to experience life in a way that wouldn’t mean renewed pain and suffering. Which is such an important and fair expectation to have for yourself, for your life. What would be unfair, my friend, would be for this world, for your loved ones and us all here to lose you. More importantly, for you to miss out on the possibility to keep giving time a chance, as time is one of the most important allies we need by our side when we are battling with our demons as you do. You deserve to know the possibility to smile again, to feel the love someone can have for you, to have the experience of not feeling alone in the midst of thoughts and emotions that push you to feel like you would have to be on your own.

I hear you about the burden of your diagnosis and oscillating between mania and depression states. I don’t struggle with bipolar myself, but diagnosis that are on the same spectrum of symptoms. Medications were one hell of a ride with ups and down too, and it’s certainly defeating at times to put your hopes into something that requires so much time and adjustments before seeing actual results. When you struggle for so long and walk through the same cycles, it feels like a part of you gets removed each time, and the emotional exhaustion just keeps growing. It’s unfair to feel like somehow you wouldn’t “fit” in this world because you would be too broken somehow.

If anything, you are not alone, friend. I know it doesn’t offer immediate answers and guidance, but if you’ve never heard this before, then please know you are not too broken or too old to aspire for a decent, fulfilling life, and to actually know positive experiences moving forward. The fact that you can’t work or can’t finish writing short stories/reach life goals, will never define you, your worth, or how important you are. The circumstances you are in, will never make you less important or less worth living than others. Actually, it speaks about the spark that is present in you. When you’re writing a story for example, even if it doesn’t come to a proper ending, you are still exploring your own creative spirit and letting it unfold. You are still allowing yourself to be you and to do something that brings you joy. There is pride to have from it - especially as creativity such as writing can force us to deal with so many internal barriers. We’re our worst critics aren’t we? Yet you’ve been actually meeting those barriers probably more than once and pushing through for your love of writing, which is a beautiful testimony of your strength and resilience too. Similarly, you have survived days that were made of tears, helplessness or lack of control, and your presence today is a real gift.

If you don’t mind me asking… what do you usually write about? Would you be willing to share a piece or excerpt of writings that you like? It’s always amazing to get to know someone through what they create. :heart:

I’m just so tired all the time.

It’s okay to feel tired friend. It’s even more okay to say it. When emotional exhaustion hits, life doesn’t seem to have the same flavor, and there is no shame in recognizing it. You are not expected to be on top of your performance when you feel overwhelmed. You absolutely deserve to give yourself grace as you are navigating all of this. It’s actually strong of you to name how things have been for you.

Thinking of you today and hoping to see you around this week. You matter to us.


I thought I’d touch base and let you know I’m still here, and I’ve put my plans on hold for now.

I was very moved by the responses, thank you so much. I will answer more on another day, but you really made me think. I started thinking about writing more and even wrote a few chapters of a parody story. I might set up a wattpad account and publish something. My style is whimsical and it’s not for everyone, but I did find it encouraging that you want to see my work.

I also looked up “my partner committed suicide” and the results were quite alarming. Basically everyone said part of them died too. Someone said everything they used to like is triggering or feels meaningless.I don’t want to do that to Toby.

Right now I feel like I probably won’t go through with my plan. It’s a bit hard to give up on it, and I still think about it, but at the very least I will put it off til next month. I felt quite well yesterday for some reason, maybe the added antidepressant is beginning to work, or maybe this thread just made me feel like there’s hope. It felt good to talk about it somewhere, it’s such a burden to keep it as a secret.

Maybe I’m OK? I do see some hope now, so thank you so much.


Hey there, I really feel this post. Just to let you know, you are not a burden on anyone, life is tough just now, even tougher than it was a few years ago so it is very easy to feel that way when it’s a struggle to scrape by in the current ecconomic climate, Lonliness is one of the worst feelings in the world too and its tough to make friends as an adult…I feel that so much but no current remedy for that…I shall update you if I find something hehe Also Long distance relationships can make it all worse…those are challenging as it is nevermind on top of Mental Illness and finacial difficulties. The cat shelter sounds amazing though…I am a cat person too…the sound of kitty purrs generates my heart hehehe <3 In all honesty you sound like you need a well deserved rest, I know that can be a tough thing to acheive with illnesses like Bipolar but I promise you it is achievable, do what you really want to do, like your writing, have a go, take some time out for you and write, write your stories, write your struggles write the meaning of your life, you are never too old to start something new. <3 rest is an activity and not just doing nothing, I think people forget that so this is your reminder, you got this! I feel like a lot of the reason you feel how you do is circumstancial, circumstances can always be changed :wink: not always easy but it can be changed, these suicidal feelings will also pass. <3 The reason I send this reply is because a very dear friend of mine suffered in the exact way you are describing and she would plan the details of her eventual suicide often for pretty much all the time we were friends which was about 15 years, we went through a lot togeather including a couple of years of not speaking due to people coming between us but we came back to each other.<3 fast forward to June 2019 and I got a call from her mother telling me about her passing and my first question was “did she do it to herself?” the irony is she didn’t…she actually passed from some rare form of sepsis. she was talking quite openly about her death for years though so it was just kind of expectation at that point. She was one of my last true REAL friends, never had another friend like her. I miss her everyday. You never know who your existence is going to affect in this world and just how deeply. Stay…write your stories someone might just see the world and the meaning of life the same way as you but you won’t know if you don’t try :wink: Much Love, you got this! <3 <3 <3