Platform Content #195

Thanks. Really miss you in the ‘Burgh. @Heartsupportwall my depression is creeping back in because of some Heath issues. I start therapy for anxiety next Friday, which is making me anxious

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We hear that! Depression coming back can definitely trigger some anxiety right? And that anxiety can lead to…more depression! But hey take some encouragement from us - navigating and taking practical steps is the best thing you can do - and you’re doing it! It’s perfectly normal to be anxious about therapy; heck you could even tell your therapist that you’re anxious. But we think you’re in a great place, and heading to greater places. That said, we hear you. Good on ya!

Sometimes everything feels just one thing on top of another like waves bashing you, doesn’t it? Which way is up? I tell you I’ve been there too, more often then I’d like to admit. It sucks to be in that place, but you opening up, that is such a strong position, seeking therapy, also a strong place from where to start some healing. I wish you find the help you seek in the new therapy, the tougher steps are the starting ones, the rest is just repeat. You got your own back here and we are rooting for you! If you want to elaborate on your situation, you’re always welcome as you are on the HeartSupport forum, we will love and hear you!