Please keep doing this i found you because ren has

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Belongs to: Therapist gets Sober by Tool
Please keep doing this. I found you because Ren has been guiding me through Christmas. Incredibly difficult time in my life. That end in some ways mirrors his except I’m 50 and just March 20th I’ll be a year out from a pretty severe. Yeah hemorrhagic stroke that I got real. Really lucky to survive and I’ve been struggling with mental illness. I’m slowly figuring out but really really almost all of my life that I have any memory of. I guess I’m basically about to five. I was real sick when I was five and and just been a snowball essentially down from there and we’re up and then back down to crash. You know having a stroke so I I just I have come to some realizations that have been long hidden and and some causes of of the severe struggle I’ve had to rough life divorce three times from three wonderful women because I can’t couldn’t control the drinking and I wasn’t violent or anything of that sort of all. You could talk to any of them and then I am certain they would tell you. They still love me dearly. They just couldn’t deal with me anymore except one. Well I also had a problem with women. They were all my thought. I cheated to cheated in one head with too close to cheating in another and the first marriage. We were just too young and and I really had just got it. Was just kind of starting to have trouble without call and then I. I had a severe accident of almost lost my right leg. I was skinny snow skiing and out of bounds as usual. That’s where I kind of live. Does that have balance? And yeah sorry I have a love trouble with memory. Yeah I told you about the stroke already. Where was it tree? I hit a tree right on my knee and just towards shreds at my that was the final straw that broke her. You know is my older the their finger out of the plug in the damn. I guess is is really truly a better analogy but I need help. I need a guide through a very complex journey head. I don’t care to discuss any further here but I’m desperate. My name is Stephen. Why side? I’m sorry I’m really usually a lot. I mean I’m very lost but well was I’m learning I’m learning thank you and then have to continue to remind my self of that. But I need a guide and and I was hoping if maybe I could even speak with you because I’ve been struggling. I finally kind of got insurance stuff sorted out but I haven’t been able to talk to a therapist tonight since uh since I left the hospital we thought stuff was going to be sorted out and it’s it’s taking a long time and have been desperate tonight I guess. Had a little break down. Something happened yesterday. It was. It’s very. It’s incredibly positive now because I you know like I said damn broke and when I don’t remember how sorry this happens that’s why it’s part of why I need a guide and when I say God I’m in a team because I have something I feel like whatever happened yesterday just just somebody open the curtains. I was a door or however you want to put it and right now and I have, I’ve had many mental health issues. I’ve been hospitalized more than once voluntarily but you know luckily I had guides who were at the hospital with me both times or I’m pretty sure to talk my way out of there in about 5 seconds. But oh my God I just sent so much like my dad. He was a great man. Raymond Keith, why size? As he would say I think that was close. I hate best Seth several years back. I can’t even remember die and we had great trouble in our time together and incredible joy as well and I want you to do something fit really would have made him pray. I wonderful feel the promise. He always knew I had even when he can hardly stand to be in the same room with me and I love him at all of my family. Now God f*** as far as I know, every every person you ever met loved him. He was that guy to lay a man lead her. He wasn’t always perfect and how he did things or when about trying to be a leader cuz he he learned from a hard man. I I chose never to have children intentionally. Had a few times that we had to several different women. I don’t I I need someone to sit down with and go through all of this cuz I haven’t even opened. You know I haven’t pulled the blind bag to show you the tip of the iceberg and I’m desperate, oh and ran ran. Oh my god friend was the first. Oh god! I know I watched a bunch of of reactions when the first night I found Ren and I was found friend because I was searching long. Been concerned about not me myself. If I was well see I almost made a mistake. I shouldn’t be doing this without someone here with me but I’m up late and that’s how it works right? And I scrambling because sounds so f****** dumb to say. But through you and Ren and many others chinchilla my god, she’s some pacing. Such a strong woman. They and many others I truly believe. Have my hands and have some sometimes stood in front of me sometimes behind watching

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Hey my friend.

Thanks for posting here on this video and replying to Taylor. It really warms my heart to see you open up your heart and I wanted to step in and try to take on some of that burden if you’d have me.

I know I’m not Taylor - and I’m not a therapist or doctor. I’m really just an average person that wants to empathize.

You mentioned in your post that you’ve lived with a number of mental health issues, and even bodily issues, including being sick when you were younger and a hemorrhagic stroke. You also mentioned having a hard time with women and alcohol - that it was hard to commit to a single person and that cheating became a regular occurrence. Now it sounds like, as you said, “the curtains parted” and you have some clarity, like you’re trying to sort through your life and figure this all out. Unpack the metaphorical bag and put things away a bit, if you will.

First I want to say, that you don’t sound dumb. You don’t sound stupid. I absolutely 100% respect what you’re doing here. No matter what age or what you’ve been through, there is an immense value in looking back over your life and doing some housework.

My story in this regards isn’t really my own. It’s my dads. In that way, I won’t divulge all of his secrets or information. When I was younger, I thought I had some mental health issues. I wanted to go to therapy when I was 14. I very distinctly remember my father saying that we had nothing wrong with us and that there was no need for me to “see a shrink.”

Little did I know that at that time, my father was struggling with his mental health. After a workplace injury, he could never return to work and was forever on bed-rest, which took a toll on his mental health. When someone who prides themself on being the bread-winner is suddenly a dependent, I imagine it takes a toll on a person. Especially when that was their source of pride.

Fast forward about a decade, and I’m a full grown adult out in the world and my father has now come to grips with a lot of what he was struggling with. And he’s apologized for a lot of the stuff he went through. And I couldn’t be more proud of him.

His story doesn’t really entirely overlap with yours. But I told it to say that, there’s always time left. He had issues with his parents, his family, and things he needed to sort out in his life. And he did. He was in his 40’s, but he worked on it and continues to work on it.

And there’s no shame in that. There’s no shame in opening up and bearing your soul. You’re human like the rest of us. Our experiences may be different but we all share that common thread.

I appreciate and respect you opening up here. Your post is a bit older, so perhaps you’ve gotten the help you were looking for through your insurance. Insurance is a nightmare, but I’m glad you’re sorting it.

Thank you for posting here. Please take care of yourself and drink enough water my friend. Hold fast. We love you