Possible advice on relationship!

I’ve been with my girlfriend for 11 years. We have 2 children a house and good jobs. I have anxiety and she has bipolar. We seem to just be just living together at this point. Neither of us are changing or attempting to change. I’m a really insecure man and allways need her to reassure me that she isn’t gonna leave me. It makes me sick to think of putting my kids through a break up. I talked to her today and she is telling me I have to be the one to make the move and be more affectionate. We are supposed to get married next year but I’m thinking it’s just for the sake of we have children and have been together for 11 years. Can I get some advice plz? I try to change and it works for a week then I go back to my normal ways. Any advice plz?

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Honestly? You probably shouldn’t be married. It doesn’t sound like the 2 of you are good for each other. You shouldn’t have to change anything you don’t want to change and neither should she. As far as the initiation goes, I had the same conversation with my husband but it was the other way around. I explained to him that it was my upbringing and is also common with my personality disorder and it’s just hard for me to initiate, and that was that. He was totally fine and supports me and it hasn’t been brought up since. Most importantly, if you are having second thoughts, you should probably listen to your gut. It picks up on things you don’t.

Best of luck to you, friend.

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