"Pour out your thoughts. Come as you are, connect, and you’ll receive replies from friends"

This topic is from INSTAGRAM where users are encouraged to comment about their mental health struggles.

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I’m a counselor, drummer, and friend;
I, along with so many of you, struggle with anxiety every day and have had multiple bouts of depression in my life.
Transparency has always been very important to me, and I try to remain open and accessible about my struggles.

In everything I do, I want to put my strengths and weaknesses in front of others in hopes that we can connect to learn and grow together.

Recently, I have been exhausted by my unhealthy work ethic, poor self-esteem, and heavy anxiety for what the future holds.

More days than not, I find it hard to even get out of bed in the morning. When I finally get my days started, things often become so blurry and I find myself missing out on what’s going on around me when I am constantly on the move. If it isn’t about psychology or business, the brain fog unfortunately shuts it out, frustrating me to no end. I am undoubtedly burning the candle at both ends to try and alleviate the worry and fear of the future and its potential failures. It’s scary.
However, I know my worth; I know our worth.

Our lives hold immeasurable value, and we undoubtedly deserve to be happy and healthy.

If I preach anything at all, it’s to take mental health seriously and “grow your garden” :sunflower:

I am cognizant and very thankful for the beautiful communities that I serve as a piece of their puzzles. Whether it’s music, sports, or whatever else, please find “your people” and be there to love and be loved by others. Engage with each other about your successes, failures, joys, and sorrows. As I type this, I know I’m speaking to my current self.

You never know what someone is going through, and no one knows what you’re going through if you don’t speak up — Open the conversation. End the stigmas.

If you’re struggling right now, whatever it may be with, just know that there are people willing to listen, wanting to help, and loving you so deeply. In the comments below, write @heartsupportwall and pour out your thoughts. Come as you are, connect, and you’ll receive replies from friends who are battling similar things. We are in this together.
Receive support today :blue_heart:
@heartsupportwall @heartsupportwall3 @heartsupportwall4

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Love you brother! Well said!

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God bless you dude. Praying for you.

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Hi! We represent a brand under the name of CREEPY ONES, a Vegan and Eco Friendly Gothic/Alt label. We want to collab with you Check my bio please :relieved:

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Love this set up :fire:=======

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:heart: That kit==============