Reaching out

From xd_star: I think I was recently sexually assured By mom, and this is not the first time . I told my family member who I can trust I wanted to talk . How do I tell them im so so scared to tell them, but I’ve been drinking last night sobbing about it. And I realized it would be getting worse my mental health if I didn’t speak up, and I’ve been eating less getting urges to puke up food I eat. I had a panick attack getting a flash back of my mom and this is really scary. Im so anxious I can’t sleep this is eating me alive. My friend and to calm me down 2 nights ago I’ve been having trauma response and I rember what she said . It’s been eating me alive and now that I’ve reached out I’m scared for the next step

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Thank you for sharing your experience with us! It seems like you have been having a very difficult time lately.

I am sorry that happened to you; it is not your fault. You are incredibly strong for taking a step in seeking support, as this is taking a toll on you. I know it is scary to tell your trusted family members, but if you feel like it will help you heal, I think you should do it. You are important and deserve to heal from your sexual assault. I want to let you know that you are not alone and do not have to go through this alone. There are also many other resources available for sexual assault as well.

You are amazing and remarkable person for not giving up on making progress with your healing journey and speaking up about sexual assault; that is something to be proud of. I hope this helped.

With kind regards,


From xd_star: Tysm this gave me clarity

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From xd_star: I texted my cousin “ can I talk to u I think somthing serious might’ve happend” he hasn’t responded in 2 days and this stress full


I am so sorry you feel this way. I know this is very stressful and overwhelming. It seems like you really want to tell your cousin about it, but is there anyone else that you trust in your family that you are willing to speak to about this experience? You deserve healing and also know that we are always here to hear you and support you with it. There are also other resources for sexual assault. You can speak to 1-800-656-4673, which is the National Sexual Assault Hotline. I hope this helps and that you feel better.

From xd_star: My cousin is kinda like my parental figure he’s helped me through out my whole Ed . Tysm

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I am glad that you have such a strong bond with your cousin. I hope you can talk to him soon. Remember, we are always here to support you! Feel free to reach out whenever :slight_smile:

From xd_star: I didn’t tell my cousin what she did exactly but I told them what happend I’m really relieved rn they haven’t responded but I’m grateful they made time for me to get it off my chest

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I’m so happy you could get it off your chest! You deserve healing, and I hope this allows you to feel better and move forward. I am proud of you. Remember, we’re always here cheering for you! :slight_smile:

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