Redrots Fan #2

I spent an entire day (about a week ago) trying to perfect some of my artwork only to end up feeling like it wasn’t good enough. It just wasn’t my day.

It sucks to feel like you can pour out your heart – especially with art – in such a tangible way and to feel like what it came out to be isn’t good enough…like your best is evidenced for all to see as inadequate…that you didn’t have what it takes…and because art is so often connected to the deepest part of ourselves, our hearts our souls, it feels like you’re subject to this brutal judgment when it doesn’t pan out…and worst of all tends to be the self-critic…but it feels so much safer to judge it ourselves than to let others say what we fear most they’ll say. I’m sorry you’re experiencing so much internal turmoil and criticism…

I don’t know what your art looks like, but I do know from this bit of courage and vulnerability you’ve offered here that your heart is beautiful. Thank you for sharing, friend.


Hey, I’m sorry you had a tough day. A day where you didnt feel good enough. But I just wanted you to know that you are enough. Your work is enough. Hang in there!

don’t give up on it. just because you feel like it wasn’t good enough doesn’t mean it isn’t. it may mean the world to someone else. what type of artwork are you speaking of?