Richii Fan #5

It’s usually in public places. I’m still coming to terms with the idea that my friends are proud of my recovery. That’s they actually believe I’ve gotten better. Only a handful of people know what I’ve been through. But it’s for some reason desperately important for me to know if they do believe I’m at least a little bit more okay now. It hit me at random times, on the drive home from work, in the middle of a bar, or when I try to sleep at night. I don’t know if I’ve shown them or myself that I’m truly there yet.

Hi friend, thanks for reaching out! Recovery is a long road. And I think you should accept the love and acceptance that people give you. But, even in the moments that people may struggle to accept or believe, do not lose hope. Be proud of your accomplishment my friend! Keep staying strong. Work on your health and recovery for YOU not for everyone else. The right people will love and support you on your journey of recovery.
Im glad that you are doing okay. There will be moments where you struggle or moments where you feel weak or vulnerable. But stay strong. Heart Support is always here to listen and try our best to offer love and encouragement. We can’t always resolve or fix the issue, but we can offer support.

I think its great that you are taking the steps you need to get better. Be sure to credit yourself. Be proud of yourself for that. Keep fighting. And if you have moments where you fall part or slip, brush off and pick back up. Don’t beat on yourself too hard my friend. We are all human.

You will get there. I believe in you. Reach out if you need okay? You matter. We care

  • Kitty