
I’ve been with my foster mom for 30 years and i have always suffered verbal abuse and insults from her and sometimes her family. In previous posts I’ve described some of my life in previous posts and basically ive suffered all kinds of abuse my entire life…

Even though my foster mom is now 91 with dementia…she is still verbally abusing me from time to time.

Today a neighbor who also has dementia offered us some extra groceries she purchased mistakeningly because shes not thinking clearly.

. i told my foster mom to tell her we couldn’t use them because our refrigerator is packed due to her family purchasing groceries for her. That we were very appreciative of the fact that she thought of us.

She called her and told her this, but since the lady was adamant about not having anyone to take them, my foster mother made it her personal issue and responsibility to call around stressing herself out to see if anyone could take them.

When my foster mom gets stressed she winds up more confused and eventually in the hospital.

I told my foster mom that i know that she wants to help, but this isnt her problem to worry about nor solve. My foster mother has always thought that it is her personal responsibility to find solutions for this neighbors problems. This neighbor has a victim mentality and rarely fixes or does things to improve her life. Relying on others to solve her problems for her. This has been going on ever since ive moved here.

This lady is actually nasty, blames others for her problems, has an entitled mindset (thinks that everyone should be available for her 24/7 at her becon call, when they tell her theyre unavailable she insults and talks about them unkindly) . She is also unappreciative of the things that others do to help her or for her…Their kind gestures are never enough.
She also is a burden on her family and calls often to complain to my mother about what theyre not doing for her (havent done her laundry, havent taken her places, haven’t cleaned her home, etc…) This lady refuses or pushes away all hired help. Shes had workers from the state helping her with daily tasks and life, but they were driven away by her constantly complaining, being unappreciative, and blaming them for things they didnt do.

This neighbor is having a difficult time living alone, and doing a lot of tasks herself. She calls my foster mom often to complain about her unfortunate circumstances.

My foster mother is always worried about this neighbor and tries to take on the responsibility of trying to figure out this lady problems herself…when shes sickly herself.

My foster mom is always calling around places to get this lady help, despite me telling her that this neighbor has declined all help and doesn’t want these things. I have explained to my foster mother that this lady needs to do things to improve her life .

That this lady needs to realize the grim reality of her situation and make adjustments… such as either accepting state help and being accomodating…or researching local income based retirement homes or communities to move into. That her house is no longer in accommodation for her needs.

This lady often guilt trips my foster mother, and she starts feeling really badly and more depressed. I use to tell my foster mom, to be wary of this lady and to perhaps put distance between the two…as this lady doesn’t care much about her. This neighbor lady years ago multiple times have tried to get me to abandon mt foster mother and come take care of her. She has even crudely asked me this in front of her face multiple times.

I told my foster mom that anyone who tries to “steal” away the person who they know is helping you with daily life, knowing that you’d be left scrambling trying to get someone else…is not your friend and does not care about you. I told my foster mom that theres plenty of other help available if she wanted help. That all she had to do is make phone calls and accept it.

This lady has been living in her home for 50 years without railing to her basement steps, and for many years my mother has been trying to get her a railing, including burdening her family (who offered to pay for one to be installed) which the neighbor refused plenty of times. I told my foster mother that she should respect this lady decisions that she makes for her own life.

My foster mother does not see things this way, and still often tries to interfere and intrude.

This neighbor has fallen multiple times in her home, has fallen in the bathtub and couldn’t get out for a few hours, has become sickly sometimes to the point where she didnt have the strength to ring for help, but she still refuses to move.

Last year, this neighbor changed her telephone number that she had for 40 plus years and didn’t offer her new number to my mom untill my mother took it upon herself to ring her family involving them , and they called her grandson who gave the number.

The lady claimed she had forgotten to give my foster mother her number, or tell her about the number change even though everyone in her family and some others had her number. It had been a month before my foster mother obtained it. My foster mother believed her story, despite me telling her that she simply didn’t want her to have it.

So today after i told my mother basically it isnt her problem and that its this neighbors job to find a solution to the food problem herself…my foster mom told me shes glad that she isnt like me because im absolutely heartless. That i dont have a heart and wasn’t raised properly…etc…

All my life i have put the needs of others ahead of my own. I always come last…For my foster mother to say these things and worse everytime that i disagree with her is still very hurtful…and still cuts deeply.

Also, am i wrong for not wanting to hear about this lady’s problems constantly? That it makes me sad that she is living like this…i care for her deeply but i am dealing with alot and a lot of depression in my personal life already… added depression isnt good for me…when daily im struggling…

After this lady calls and complains my foster mother often spends a good amount of time discussing her problems with me multiple times. When she senses my disinterest or lack of response…she gets angry and tells me that i am heartless, and going to “hell” when i pass…because i dont care about anything. That im selfish and only care about myself. That she can understand why i haven’t any friends or relationships because they would terminate me.

Is it wrong to just want silence and to not have to listen to others complaints??
I care too much about others…even strangers and their saddness and struggles effects me deeply, especially knowing that i am powerless to help.

This lady wond up giving her neighbor and grandson who was visiting (in her house when she called my foster mom) the food.

Am i just insensitive selfish and cruel like people have been telling me my entire life i am??

Hey @Lavendercrandberry,

You clearly care deeply about your foster mother and this neighbor, even though it takes a toll on you. You can’t fix everyone’s problems, and you’re not responsible for your neighbor’s choices. It’s perfectly reasonable to tell your foster mom you don’t want to hear constant complaints. No matter her age or condition, verbal abuse is never okay. Her comments about you being heartless are manipulative and hurtful.

Other things that might help:

  • Talk to your doctor about your depression. Getting professional support can help you manage your own mental health and cope with the stress of your situation.
  • Set boundaries with your foster mother. Explain that you care, but you can’t be her emotional crutch or therapist. Let her know you won’t listen to constant negativity and suggest she seek outside help for her anxieties.
  • Connect with support groups. There are online and in-person resources for people who have experienced foster care abuse or who are dealing with difficult family dynamics.
  • Consider professional help for your foster mother. If her dementia is worsening, she may need professional care to ensure her safety and well-being.
  • Explore resources for your neighbor. Adult Protective Services or local senior centers may be able to offer assistance with daily living or finding suitable housing.

Please do not hesitate to continue reaching out and i’m sure others will give some additional pointers as well <3 Just remember no matter what, you are loved.

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Saddened that unfortunately i am going to have to stop using this service soon. My posts are often merged and i dont like that at all. My experiences and thoughts are not meant for merging and theyre different experiences. It makes me sad and i am extremely triggered by this.

It also makes me extremely anxious…my last 3 posts were merged together with other posts. My earlier post today was merged.

If i needed to, i cant even come on here daily and post. They would be merged

I need things to remain separate like intended.

Hello Lavendercrandberry,
I want to start my telling you that, " You are a loving and compassionate person." The sacrifice that you have made for your foster mother deserves a standing novation because where I am from people do not take on the responsibility of taking care of a loved one. Your entire life has been spent taking care of your foster mother, this proves that you are a self-less and loving individual that deserve nothing but the beautiful things that life has to offer. Furthermore, when it comes to your neighbor, I hope that her family eventually gets her the assistance that she needs to carry out her daily tasks so that you and your mother can spend time developing a better relationship. I am going to close by saying to you Lavendercrandberry that you have a heart of gold and that should be celebrated especially when we are in a world filled with people who only care about themselves. Keep you HEART OF GOLD LavenderCrandberry!!!

Still heartbroken over neighbor guy that I’ve previously posted about.
It’s gone on two months since we’ve last communicated.

Today my heartbreak reached a new level when while I was waiting on my mother to return from a doctor’s appointment, I saw him leave for work. Then shortly after he left, (a woman who I suspect lives with him) …came out of the house as if to look for him…by then he wasn’t in the area anymore and she went back inside…

Shortly after, he came back home …(.perhaps he had forgotten something) and then left again.

I suspect that she had called him and told him…

At first, I was giving him the benefit of the doubt that maybe he wasn’t lying about anything and really had been single…that since he shares a house with other guys …that maybe she is one of their girlfriend’s…but I have seen her in the window of his room a few times…
When he’s not there, I see the light come on and off and movement in his place.

Sometimes when he returns home, I see him and her interacting…I know that it’s her…she wears pink quite frequently.

I keep trying to convince myself of an alternative reality where he meant everything he said, that he’s just as heartbroken as I am (he is unaffected and walks around smiling and genuinely a happy aura surrounds him) that he will change, apologize, and come back to me.

I am soo heartbroken and distraught. I thought I was slowly getting over him, but I realize that I was only fooling myself. It hurts to be treated with such disregard…and to have people pretend that they love and care for me, then to just ghost me and discard me like garbage.

I love him. I thought he loved and cared for me. I am still very confused. Was it all pretend…even though we had over 8,000 conversations and discussions about alot of things…via text…since the beginning? Up until he blocked me, whenever I called, he would always answer or get back to me when he could.
He still watches my house going to work…
Was it all for nothing??

I just don’t understand.
Everyday I struggle to respect his wishes and not confront him…

It’s hard to let go…especially when he lives in such close proximity.

I want to move on, but I don’t know if I am capable or will ever. Maybe I’ll be one of those people who never move on. Despite what many might think…there are things each one of us will never move on from.

I feel like I deserve the hurt and pain. Maybe it’s my fault that I been used, and discarded like trash… he isn’t the first to do such a thing to me.

I cry.