Seeing a doctor

Going to be seeing a doctor soon, I’ll probably end up getting a referral to a psychiatrist when I ask about mental health, I’m worried that I’ll be too young to get a diagnosis for anything and that they’ll brush off my concerns, I know that often times to get diagnosed with anything they ask questions, can they put me in a mental hospital for answering questions truthfully?


Hi Graciee,

My advise is to answer truthfully, as that is the best way to get the most effective help. From what I know about you from what you’ve shared, I don’t believe there would be a reason to put you in a mental hospital. If I had to guess they will probably match you with a therapist after an initial intake appointment and possibly offer medication. I wouldn’t be too scared, just go into it with an open mind and understand that they just want to help you. I have no doubts that you will be just fine :slight_smile: I’m glad you finally have this opportunity.


Your fears are really understandable. Though I totally agree with @Sapphire here. It’s a very good reminder of the truth. It’s unlikely that you’d be put in a mental hospital for answering those questions. Among all the admissions in mental health hospitals, a very few pepole are admitted against their will. This kind of procedure is more for people who are in a state of putting others or themselves in high danger, and who deny any help or treatment. People who are not able to think straight or to handle themselves to some extent and at some point in their life. Through what you shared, that’s definitely not your case. And for example struggling with self harm or suicidal thoughts alone are not an objective reason to force you to go in a mental health institution. Other options will be prefered, such as therapy, eventually medical help (as you mentioned a psychiatrist, they might propose a medication if they estimate that it could help, but it’s never an obligation) and maybe other extra resources.

You can be honest while answering those questions. I know it’s scary, but the main purpose of this is to provide you the right support in regards of your current needs and struggles. :heart:

Also, you’re never too young to receive any kind of diagnosis. It’s about your health, and all of these elements of your life, of who you are, will be considered. The only purpose of the psychiatrist will be to understand your situation as much as possible. You’ll be the one to give them clues to understand it. And if you need to take your time to learn to trust them, it’s okay too. You don’t have to share everything at once. Feel also totally free to share your concerns with them, so they can help you understand their role and perspective. It’s part of their job too.

It’s a good thing that you are doing. Seeing a doctor and share about your situation. You can be proud of yourself. :hrtlegolove:

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