Self-care poetry and positive power

I am love I am Light
Everyday I grow more bright
By standing tall
And breathing deep
Self-Esteem I build and keep.

I am Love I am Light
I shine my smile to all I meet
Speaking kind to you and me
Becoming who I want to be.


Hi @SuperConductor welcome!

Your poem is very beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing with us! :hrtlegolove:

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Thanks so much!
I’ve started a new Pilates routine which has been real beneficial for improved breathing, posture, flexibility and core strength! And best of all you don’t need a gym membership :slight_smile:
I really recommend giving yourself that powerful self-care, you’re worth the effort.

Also I’ve been learning about nutrition and balancing the 5 tastes, and balancing hot/cool with my food.
All efforts you make to care for body also benefit your mental state and enjoyment of life.

I even steamed KALE last night !!

Steamed Kale recipe:

  • Wash and rip up some dark leafy kale leaves
  • Leave some fresh water on the kale from washing them, shake off excess
  • Toss them in the frying pan with sesame oil
  • Sprinkle some powdered cayenne pepper
  • Drizzle some pure maple syrup
  • Shake on a bunch of sesame seeds
  • Squeeze some fresh lime juice

I found the combination of tastes really addressed all the senses and was very vitalizing!

The spicy, with the sweet, bitter and sour all came together to really delight the tongue and actually make kale quite enjoyable.

Although my wife refused to eat any…haha

Take care of yourself, sometimes the small things like making a simple meal with all 5 taste combinations can really boost your health and mental state. Food should make you go WOW this is delightful.

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Sounds really good, I actually like Kale lol. I can’t have maple syrup tho because I’m diabetic, is there a good substitute I could use?

Thank you for reminding us that exercise and nutrition are very important too when taking care of our mental health. Sometimes, we forget to “feed” ourselves. :hrtlegolove:

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To address the sweet taste you could add some stevia drops! ?

Ok, I can do that! I thought the “maple” flavor might be an important part of the flavor profile.

No, just any sweet will complete the dishes 5 senses. Also contrasts the cayenne so nicely. I didn’t add anything salty, because I think the kale already had some salty flavor and the sesame oil.

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I also had a side of sliced raw carrots which added a natural sweetness. But I’m not sure if carrots are ok for diabetics?

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I can have a small amount if the rest of the dish doesn’t have very many carbs. That sounds like it would be a good addition for sure!

my fave way is kale chips! just wash, dry, massage a tiny bit of oil and salt and then airfry until crispy. it’s crunchy like potato chips sometimes! You can even crush them and make kale seasoning to add to other stuff lol