Self-love-is-the-hardest-thing-to-find-because-we - 2172

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Belongs to: Beartooth - Might Love Myself - Therapist Reacts
Self-love is the hardest thing to find, because we are our worst critics and are prone to find things wrong with ous. It’s takes time and practice to learn to accept oneself for who we are with our positive sides and thoughts. I was depressed from a really young age, i remember having my first suicide thoughts when i was 9-10, not knowing what it was. Got my first deep depression with an eating disorder, anxiety and self-harm. Tried tree times to unalive myself between 18-20. Had substance abuse issues (alcohol was my poison). Had my first therapy session asan 18 year old, 4months after i was no longer in therapy because my antidepressants worked and i was now well enough according to them. But every 2 years i fell into q deep depression again with suicidal thkughts. I felt something was wrong with me that i overreacted and acted differently to emotions, rationally i knew i had a panic attack, that i was depressed and that i deserved better. When i was 26 i finally got a good therapist that did diagnosis testing, because many psychologists said i needed one and that i wasn’t only depressed it was the symtom. 6months later i got the diagnosis trait of borderline personality disorder, and that i since a young age had BPD, i only had traits left because i had worked on myself by myself and in therapy for eight years. I was free from the diagnosis BPD traits when i was 28 much thanks to my Therapist and two years with the right therapy (both talking and medication that i stopped taking 5months before i got free). Since then i have loved myself, i can control my emotions and life is good with its ups and downs. I have also been through a life changeing event where i ended up paralyzed and didnt fall into a depression even if i got frustrated and sad some days, those days i let the emotions flow and be there. I’m now 34,5 years old and haven’t felt better, life is beautiful and we need those downs to appreciate the ups and find joy in the smallest things.

I do not write this for sympathy or anything of that sort, everyone have their own journey and struggles. I write this to say that everything may seem dark now but there is a light at the end of the tunnel, just dont give up, you are precious, loved and worthy of being happy. You are prefect the way you are even with flaws :heart:

Thank you for your take on the lyrics, i love the way you break them down :blush:
(Sorry if my English isnt great im from Sweden so spelling Mistakes and grammatical errors may occur)


Thank you for sharing your story of transcendence. You were persistent and were able to maintain faith that you would succeed. Although challenges and coping strategies are unique to each individual, along with significant differences in the kinds of assistance resources that are available, real-life stories of succeeding are inspiring.