Shook up

I ran into my neighbors car, and I feel like I hurt my confidence to be able to drive. Luckily my neighbor was very kind, and they told me it was alright, but they were worried about me…because they didn’t want me to lose my confidence for being able to driving…but it kind of shook me up a little, because I was crying.

I was not injured in any way, but it did leave a scratch on my dad’s car, and my neighbors car.

It really hurts, y’all. I don’t know if I want to drive again. Even if it’s just like a bike. When you fall, you always get back up and try again.



Because you’re a young driver. Some learning comes by making mistakes. Scratches and dents suck, but I doubt you’ll make that particular mistake again. Statistically, young drivers make more mistakes than those with more experience. That “more experience” is often acquired by having made some mistakes. The most important thing is to follow safe driving practices, speed limits, etc. Scratches and dents are far more survivable than the way some people drive.


Hey @Katelynn

Scratches and dents are just that, easy peasy fixes.

As @Wings said, you learn by making mistakes. If you’re just starting out, you can definitely build your confidence back. Go with your dad and find an empty parking lot somewhere and just practice. Get that confidence built up, then move onto like slow residential streets. Then keep working your way up and up!


I have my permit


I work in insurance. My biggest take away after seeing 5 years of auto accidents, you are physically unharmed. Vehicles can always be repaired or replaced. I’ve also seen the mental toll accidents can cause too. I support others advice, dip your toe in the water by locating some empty parking lots in your area and take things slow to build your confidence. Bring a family member and let them know you want to ease into building your confidence.

I’m happy you were unharmed and the vehicles are fixable. Nobody was hurt.


Congratulations! Remember to take everything one step at a time. You have worked so hard to get to this step, you got this!