Slntplnt-i-lost-my-precious-little-cat-finn-earlie - 2591

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Belongs to: What loss are you struggling with?
@SLNTPLNT I lost my precious little cat finn earlier this year and am about to lose my other boy in a month or two due to cancer.


I’m so sorry. I lost my 17 and 20-year-old cats a while back. I still miss them a lot.

Hard to lose the ones we rely on the most - for love, for support, for companionship. Our pets can be anchors in our lives - they give us a reason to live, to take care of others, to face hard things, and someone to come home to. Losing that presence is really difficult.

I’m so sorry for the loss of your cat. Our fur friends hold a very special place in our life, and we’re never really prepared to let them go. I can only how difficult it is for you to witness the decline of your other cat’s health. Hopefully these last moments together will feel very long, very enjoyable, and very special. You love them without a doubt and you must have been giving them so much care and affection throughout their lives. As much as they have been wonderful friends to you, they have been so lucky to have such a caring ally in you. Hold Fast friend. Be kind to your heart in times to come. :heart: