Smirky Fan #20

I’m a senior in high school. My friends are typically busy with sports or work, and my parents are not helping much. They continuously tell me how awful I am and to “f*** myself” on numerous occasions. It feels like I’ve got no one to talk to, which makes me feel alone and scared.

Yeah xander, I’d have a hard time believing that I’m a decent human being when I’m being told all of those things over and over…geez, dude…I’m so sorry you’re in this place of verbal beatdown…all of that’s bullshit, though, man. I want to reassure you: you are not worthless…and you are not alone! I remember getting bullied and literally losing all but one friend in my entire grade…it was such a terrifyingly lonely season of my life. I had a hard time not hating myself…everyone else did, so what’s the point? But you have to hold onto the truth man. You are not what they think. You deserve better. You are worthy of love, you are worthy of acceptance…and you are certainly not alone. Thank you for sharing your heart, and I hope/pray that things take a positive turn for you that you’d begin to see an believe and experience the truth about yourself and that these lies would fall to the ground without any power over you any longer.


Thanks for sharing @xanderisaloser and we’re all here as community for you. @NateTriesAgain said it perfectly, you’re worthy of love and you’re not what your being told. You have value that you bring to this world and to those around you, even if they don’t see it!