Snuff from slipknot describes when you re in a rel

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Snuff from Slipknot describes when you’re in a relationship and feel inferior to your partner. It’s dangerous when we idealize them and diminish ourselves because we feel so unworthy. And when the relationship dies, so does our self-worth. If our relationship is the only thing holding up our self-worth, then when we lose that person, we lose the only thing that made us worthy of love.

Slipknot #healthescene HeartSupport

Such a deep song that will make regret never letting go

Yourreactions to all of the songs I listen to on the regular remind me of myself when I first discovered my loud screamy music :rofl::rofl:

Love it, wish you were a little more in depth but love it. Now same band listen and do in depth on a song called yen!

She should listen to Shinedown

Deeper video=============

Deep song================

What about KORN==========

The thing is that was real. Watch the making of the video
The pain was so real for Corey he actually busted the glass in his bare hands.

If you knew the meaning it’s so deep. …

I know the feeling for sure

Fuuuck that’s hit me hard ngl

Her Name​:tulip::tulip::tulip:==============

This song is incredible I’ve listened for years


What about watching some REAL metal not this nu/false metal?

Your to young and will never understand what Slipknot was originally! Ozzfest 98 in the pit at 13 years old! You listen to them, I Discovered them!!

I wish she was my shrink=