
From Goldface: Sometimes yeah, you can say so, for some people it is

From Goldface: However, I gotta ask, is the feeling good or bad

From CherrY: This feeling? No=========

From CherrY: It’s really uncomfortable

From Mystrose: <@889710229997097011> Thank you for all the support you’ve given on the support wall, it’s so appreciated. I do want to just point out that we are not professionals or doctors, so we try not to give out medication advice. So, if you could please refrain from that, it would be greatly appreciated. Other wise, thank you so much for being here!

From CherrY: But I this feeling comes from pat events as said above

From CherrY: I’m quite confused…
I’ll try to keep taking them ;-;

From Goldface: Hey, of course, I will make sure that I refrain from doing so again. I just thought that since we had learnt so in my courses, I must share it. Thank you for pointing it out.

From Goldface: OK, so seeing as the problem is kinda about how you are feeling, since the surroundings intesivelly affect our lives. So, my best bet will be to try and remove the stress and anxiety

From Goldface: This is a very re-used thing, I know but it is the best thing to do ever since I have known of it, talk about it. To your mom, friends, basically the people who you trust and are understanding.

From Goldface: You can try maintaining a journal, and write your feelings down, it helps you clear yourself of all kind of negative thoughts.

From Goldface: Try yoga and meditating, it concentrates on your mind, and allows you to focus on what you wish.

From Goldface: That is all I have right now, though, if you like, I can research a little on the subject and get back to you.

From CherrY: I’ll try the yoga and meditation
I talk a lot with my friends

They say it’s best to wait until I can move out

From CherrY: Thank you so much for your time tho

From CherrY: I really appreciate it❤️=

From Goldface: Anytime==================

From CherrY: I’ll update if anything changes with my dreams :slight_smile:

From Goldface: I hope they get better soon

From CherrY: Me too ;-;===============