So in less then three days im going to a intensive

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Belongs to: Making a therapist cry - one more time blink 182
So in less then three days I’m going to a intensive patient facility for Alcoholism eventho I been sober for over a month and idk what to feel or what to think despite deep down I feel like I need this and I am working since the 15th of Feb but I gotta quit to enter this place and tbh I feel again like I’m taking another huge step back and I feel as if the ones I love who support this for me are just wanting me to just fuck off deep down and out of their space, please tell me I’m not alone… by the way it’s gonna mean at least a month and a half 45 days without my access to music that sooths me and also channels like this :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::rage::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::cry::skull::pensive:


I want to start by congratulating you on your recent sobriety! Over a month is a long time and it truly makes me happy that you are persevering in your fight against addiction! Though it may feel like a step back because you’ll be missing work, it sounds like this facility is the best thing for you right now. It is going to help you solidify your newfound sobriety and really set in stone the fact that you are beating your addiction. You are not alone, and I sincerely appreciate you opening up on here. We will be here waiting for you when you return from your program! Best of luck with this next step in your journey- it is surely the right step, and I know that it is leading you towards lasting sobriety.

Oh friend, what you are doing is so brave and so strong. Well done for deciding to go there. It is an important and very significant step. It makes so much sense though to feel particularly fearful and anxious regarding what the future holds for you and what you could expect from this time of being in this facility. This is a significant change and the outcomes are particularly important too.

Reaching this point most of been already very difficult and one thing is sure: you can be proud of your self for working on your healing and taking steps towards ensuring your well-being in the long run. You are doing this first and foremost for yourself and that is what matters the most. This is about your journey, your healing, your well-being, regardless of what others could think about it or of you.

There is no doubt that this change comes with a good amount of stressors, fears and doubts altogether, but I want to reassure you that you are not alone. We see you here, we see your efforts, we understand the importance of what you are doing. A month and half there will certainly feel very long at times, and as if time would flow very slowly somehow. Thankfully it could also turn out to be opportunity for you to reconnect to yourself at a deeper level, and uncover strengths within you may not have been able to see before. Somehow, this is going to contribute to a self-discovery journey, and learning how to be an ally to yourself for when you will be out of the facility as well. It’s not the most pleasant and comfortable process especially as we would naturally lean towards avoiding what feels uncomfortable or painful. But you certainly have what it takes to go through this season in a way that will feel meaningful and healing to you. You can come out of this facility feeling more empowered and confident in your abilities.

This is a challenging and difficult journey, but you are doing well, myfriend. You are standing up for yourself and doing what is right to heal and take steps forward. We are so, so very proud of you here and will be rooting for you during this time, regardless of the distance. You got this!!