So lost I don't even know where to start

Hi, @jpcguy89, sorry I haven’t replied to you at all, been a bit taken aback at the responses here. I can relate a little to your situation. I don’t have any physical issues personally but my older sister is disabled so I can understand how difficult it is to some extent. This might be a bit graphic but my sister has pieces of her heart missing, another organ missing and the rest are reversed. Apparently it’s quite rare for someone to have all of that at once. She’s already had several operations since she was about five and other life threatening complications. Normally she would visit me every week but that’s out due to the lock downs. Needless to say she’s quite vulnerable as her immune system is practically non-existent.

I too lost a friend a few years ago due to lung cancer. How did we meet? At a fan event! When I was 15, I did something rather crazy despite my anxieties – I got on a train and met with a group of complete strangers. We travelled to different parts of the country in a bus together visiting filming locations. It became a yearly thing until for certain reasons I got so bad I couldn’t do it again. My friend stayed in touch with me until she passed when I was 38. I couldn’t go to her funeral because she lived too far away but even then I couldn’t face the social aspect of it all. I still feel terrible about not attending. What’s worse, I didn’t even know she was ill because she never said a word to me about it. She was one of the few people that knew about my problems. I think maybe she didn’t want to add more pain to an already troubled mind.

I don’t think it’s unhealthy to do comic cons or anything similar. We all have an inner child that wants to come out on occasion. The only real down side is the financial part of it. I certainly can’t afford to do any big conventions because it would cost a small fortune just to get there – the major ones are always far away from where I live. Then one has to have a will of steel not to buy anything there. I think you’re a very brave person. Although it would be nice to meet like minded people, I would be terrified to interact with anyone, let alone any celebs.

Okay, @Micro. Finally getting around to responding to you directly

Yeah, I’ve not had much luck with ‘friends’. I can’t think of one friend that hasn’t stabbed me in the back. I was a tomboy as a child and I used to hang around with a group of boys that I considered close friends. I was with them every day and we went everywhere together. One time they turned on me and started whipping me with tree branches. The one that was my best friend decided to side with a local bully and punched me so hard in my wind pipe I couldn’t breathe for several minutes. Then he watched while the other guy dragged me down the road by my hair. It’s not like these were isolated incidents either but I stayed with them like an idiot. As a teenager I had more female friends but they probably scarred me the most if I’m being honest. They were capable of almost anything and were responsible for most of the bullying.

I just recently cut myself off from a long time friend, someone I’ve known for at least 12 years. I viewed her like a sister but she’d been treating me like dirt for a while. I realized she was the kind of person that views people as resources, not actual friends, and I got fed up of being taken advantage of. I flew to her country some years back to spend a considerable amount of time with her. I put myself in huge debt. All the anxiety of going through the process of traveling there caught up with me and I was in a terrible state for months when I returned. I quite literally put myself in her hands because she knew about my problems and had to look after me in a sense. Crazy of me I know, but it’s not like we were strangers. Long story short, her name was added to the pile of those who have mocked me for my issues among other things. She just didn’t seem to understand – or care about - what I had put myself through for her. I’m still trying to recover from it. Yeah, one could say I have serious trust issues now.

One of my teachers kept failing me just because I wouldn’t be more vocal in class. I knew someone whose teacher told him not to bother turning up because he was ‘too stupid’. Some people should not be teachers.

I think we’re all so deeply conditioned to fit into that mold from an early age. It’s no wonder we feel so badly about ourselves when we can’t manage things because then we get cast out. Personally I dislike how everything has to revolve around money. So much pain is caused from the lack of currency which let’s face it, is just a few pieces of metal and paper. Yet I am forced to exist in this society such as it is and I’m not the ‘go along to get along type’. All I could manage years ago was factory/cleaning work and I can’t stomach doing anything repetitive because my brain constantly wants to be working on something bigger. It made me really ill mentally on top of the other anxieties. And then there are those in society that want us to get off our asses and work to make them money but they won’t spend money to give us the resources to reach that point. Sorry if I sound cynical and negative, it just makes me so mad.

I’m in the UK and having to rely on the NHS for treatment because I don’t have the funds to go private. Typically you would have to wait a few years on a waiting list and then you were given about 6-8 sessions. This might be able to help some people who have depression in the short term but I feel my issues are two deep to really get anywhere in that small amount of time. I saw several types of specialists over the years. Nobody ever gave any practical advice or insight. They didn’t really pay much attention to what I was really saying and asking questions that were completely irrelevant – like wanting to discuss my sexuality…I have no idea how that factored into anything. One was supposedly an occupational therapist that promised to give me support for a college course and she did absolutely nothing. I ended up making a complete fool of myself trying by myself. One guy thought I was getting better because I smiled at him – some expert there! Most just wanted to try me on different medications which I was already doing with my doctor. Honestly, I’ve had more support and understanding here and the live streams are far more helpful in the cognitive thinking department. I’ve also felt comfortable enough to open myself up a lot more here.

This is one of my main issues as well. As a child you couldn’t keep me inside the house. In fact I would get punished a lot for coming home too late. At school I would often get chosen to speak in front of the entire school at morning assembly because I had good reading skills and was well spoken. I sang at public events in the school choir. I once performed on stage doing a group dance.

As an adult I’m having immense difficulty reconciling my current self with my younger self. Who was that other person? What took me away from that path? Now I couldn’t imagine doing anything like those things and I’m housebound. I’ve been in lock down for almost two decades. It’s not like I have physical difficulties. There are people right here in this community who do, so why should I even be complaining? I feel like a parasite and I have no real excuse. I can’t even give support to others who really need it because I’m too self absorbed with my own crap. No wonder people don’t want me as a friend.


No need to apologize, @bbrandon3. We all need time to write anything. I knew coming into this forum I would likely be asked questions. I don’t feel pressured in any way to reply, hopefully neither do you. So here are my thoughts on what you said before.

I think it’s part of human nature to separate people into ‘us and them’. It’s like humans aren’t completely happy unless there’s some form of conflict. I think we’re supposed to learn and grow from it but we rarely seem to which is sad. We seem to be stuck in a never ending cycle of intolerance and ignorance. Like right now, certain ‘factions’ are trying to change things in the world but there are some who are pushing the scales too hard in the opposite direction. It’s causing more hatred again in the wrong direction. There never seems to be a balance. So back we go into the cycle. It’s infuriating.

I agree it’s extremely hard to believe that one’s identity is not formed by another’s opinions. So much of our sense of self seems to be defined by our place in society. It’s interesting that you brought this up because I’ve been really struggling to find my own identity. I think I was a caring person but I wore my heart on my sleeve too much. I’ve been involved with so many toxic people now that I’ve kind of assimilated their behavior trying to fit in. I have no idea who I’m supposed to be but I don’t like what I’m becoming. I’m actually concerned I may end up upsetting somebody here. I know there’s a Discord server and the live streams but I’m too nervous about getting involved in them directly.

It always feels like I’m having to go against everything in my heart to be ‘normal’. It’s like other people flip a switch inside so they can just get on with things. I know money shouldn’t be the focus of everything but unfortunately I do need it to get by. I hate being at the mercy of the government. But I have no idea how to do that when there doesn’t appear to be a place for me. I also dislike being on my own and I should be around people more, yet so many people have been the cause of my problems. Always conflict inside. I certainly don’t believe that I’ve come out on top as you say, not sure what made you think this.

I’m not really interested in dinosaurs any more. I would still like to be able to visit historical places though. Honestly, the one thing that has stayed with me since I was a child is the love of stories. I believe stories have the power to touch people, maybe even help to change their lives for the better. I would not have lasted this long if I didn’t have my stories, whether from books, movies or even video games.

I haven’t been able to read books for years because of my depression. It’s hard to focus or absorb any details. Ironically, I used to get bullied at school for reading too many books in class. I mentioned before that I was worried about losing the ability to communicate. Because I’ve been isolated so long I’m not sure how I can write characters effectively, or describe settings when I have no life experiences. All the average stuff many take for granted just isn’t in my head. It breaks my heart that I can’t write stories any more. I’m pretty sure my younger self did a better job at it than my current self. I still have some of my really old stories and when I look at them, I don’t recognize the person who wrote them.

And yet here I am, writing far too much in this forum. Probably driving everybody crazy. I don’t expect anybody to give me answers. I come here to listen to other perspectives, hoping to make myself a better person. If other people read my posts and build the courage to write something about what they are going through, that is good too. I know I’ve been a lot calmer for being able to get outside my head for a change.


I am just so frustrated right now. I know most people are feeling the effects of isolation due to the pandemic but I have to be honest - when things have settled down, most will have some idea of how to go back to ‘normalcy’. Technically, I’ve been in ‘lock down’ for well over 20 years. It’s like some people are just ungrateful for having the opportunity to live a normal life at all. Some people have been complaining about the sudden ‘mental health crisis’. There’s always been a mental health crisis, it’s just nobody ever gave a damn about dealing with it effectively. Out of sight, out of mind.

I’m an absolute mess physically. All those years locked away with no way out made me resigned to my situation. I’ve been stuck in a hole not wanting to do anything for myself. I really wanted to start turning things around a bit. But it seems I can’t even take care of the basics so I can feel a bit better. Can’t afford healthy food. Don’t have a garden or anything or room for exercise equipment as this place is tiny. Half the battle is being able to go out and face people without feeling ashamed of yourself. Particularly if you’ve been bullied for your physical appearance your entire life. I can’t even see a dentist as I can’t afford one. They stopped free treatment for people like me - along with many other resources - a long time ago.

I seriously doubt I will ever be able to gain employment. Haven’t had any kind of job during my personal lock down period. Who’s going to employ a 40 year old who hasn’t worked in two decades, has no real experience and can’t even deal with people. I’m virtually unemployable on top of my mental health problems and the impending economic effects of the pandemic. I can’t set aside even a small amount of money either, I’m actually in serious debt which will take me some years to eliminate, assuming my benefits don’t get stopped first.

It’s insanely difficult to drag yourself out of an impossible situation where you have no local resources or friends/family support. I was trying to just focus on ‘what I can control’ until I realized there are no paths to take. I don’t know how long it will be again before the Black Dog drags me down because the weight of knowing there’s practically no hope for you is just too damn heavy. I’m a non person in the eyes of society because I can’t support myself. I’m just a blight that’s taking up space. What’s the bloody point.

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I can totally relate to the sense of not being able to navigate. I think in the moments where I have felt that I can’t “see” or my “compass is broken”, this has signaled time for a change. I’ve always taken these as the need to do something out of my comfort zone, something very foreign to me, to try and break out of the stuck heading I’m in.

When I was in my early 20’s, life circumstances led me into a lost state where I was jobless and homeless even considering the stupid engineering degree I had. I remember sitting at a friends house drinking some beers one night when he jokingly told me I should go train riding. And like a bag of bricks, the Appalachian Trail popped on me out of nowhere and I decided that night to go and thru-hike it. Through that experience of walking alone for 7 months, I felt my internal GPS had been “recalibrated” and I set off again in life with a new sense of purpose.

Fast forward few years later, I was incarcerated in a foreign country for violating some stupid visa stipulations. On release, I was stripped of my entire savings in the country I was living and deported. My compass hadn’t been just jammed, but totally broken, fucked (pardon my French).

From that point, I drifted between heavy, sucking depression and literally crippling anxiety for years. On the good days, I would venture out to the local supermarket and cook myself something when I could get out of bed.

Some time later, I stumbled on Vipassana Meditation thanks to a wonderful friend and signed up for a 10-day course of silent meditation. Mentally, it was one of the hardest experiences I went through, but in that I learned a lot about my mind and was able to recalibrate the 'ol ever-buggering compass to work again.

Lastly, I just want to say that as a human to another human, I love you and care about you. Even if you feel there is a wall between you and the rest of the world, I am reaching over that barrier and giving you a fist bump. It’s so easy to feel trapped and lost in your own mind, but just be aware that you aren’t alone :slight_smile:

May you be free from misery Nikki

Saying Nobody is listening is a lie. Here on Heartsupport, we are listening. :heart:

There may be people here listening but there’s just nobody here physically. I’m so tired of doing this year after year. I don’t have the strength to keep picking myself up. There’s just nothing for me to aim for. I have nothing to offer the world, I can’t connect with anyone. I’m always doing or saying the wrong things. I’m sick of waking up each day know I’m a piece of shit that everyone hates. I can’t take it any more the loneliness is killing me. I’m fed up of being a waste of space so I don’t want to take up a bed at a mental hospital or use any more resources. It’s 4am here right now, I just want to walk out the door and keep walking until I drop. Anything is better than being trapped in my head knowing there’s nothing I can say to anyone that will make a difference or ease the pain. I’m sorry I took up people’s time here with these stupid posts.

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Hey @Nikki,

Late (and long) reply here, but I’m really glad to take the time to respond to you today. You’ve shared a lot of important things, and I really appreciate your previous reply. Thank you again for being here.

I’m still trying to recover from it. Yeah, one could say I have serious trust issues now.

It would be surprising if you didn’t. It sounds that this relationship was very important to you and you gave a lot of yourself. It creates a deep wound so it only makes sense to feel hurt and disappointed. Protecting yourself is a natural reaction, and no one here would ever judge you for that. Though I really want to thank you for your trust here. Maybe just because it’s “online” it feels less impactful, but still it’s an honor to learn to know you. And it’s even more admirable to see you sharing your heart while you were hurt before.

Sorry if I sound cynical and negative, it just makes me so mad.

No need to be sorry, really. I think you describe something that many of us feel one way or another. You have valid reasons to be mad with how our society functions. Though once we realize we can’t change the world, it’s still important to do what we can to find our way. Because even if our world just sucks, you matter. Your health, your needs, your well-being matters. The worst thing would be to turn this frustrating against yourself by fading away, because you don’t deserve that.

Typically you would have to wait a few years on a waiting list and then you were given about 6-8 sessions. This might be able to help some people who have depression in the short term but I feel my issues are two deep to really get anywhere in that small amount of time.

Yea, that makes total sense. As much as having a few sessions covered, it’s not suitable for everyone.

Have you ever digged into literature/workbooks, or even online tools and resources? I know there are tons of resources available (and free, for some) but it can be chaotic to find the right ones. Though it could be interesting to spend some time diving into some subreddits for example. There’s often topics where people gather free and online resources. Sometimes Instagram can be a good door for that as well, but you need to make your own “groceries”, depending on what you’d like to work on. And if I can help in any way for that/to find resources, just let me know what are the kind of things you’d like to try/work on. But no pressure/no obligation. Just know it’s a possibility.

They didn’t really pay much attention to what I was really saying and asking questions that were completely irrelevant – like wanting to discuss my sexuality…I have no idea how that factored into anything.

I’m sorry they didn’t help. It sounds that what they offered was definitely not what you needed. There are so many ways to approach psychology that it can be hard to find the right therapist… Plus the time required to have a good feeling with them. Can definitely be a long and disappointing journey. Again, I’m sorry it wasn’t a good experience for you.

As an adult I’m having immense difficulty reconciling my current self with my younger self. Who was that other person? What took me away from that path? Now I couldn’t imagine doing anything like those things and I’m housebound. I’ve been in lock down for almost two decades. It’s not like I have physical difficulties. There are people right here in this community who do, so why should I even be complaining? I feel like a parasite and I have no real excuse. I can’t even give support to others who really need it because I’m too self absorbed with my own crap. No wonder people don’t want me as a friend.

Hey, don’t be so hard on yourself, friend. Sure, you don’t have physical difficulties, but does that make the emotional ones less important, less real, less impactful? I know you don’t believe that. You’d never condemn someone for being extremely anxious, to the point of having a hard time to go outside. You’d see their struggles as absolutely valid. And so are yours.

As for being self absorbed, it’s something we all struggle with to some extent once we’re hurting one way or another. It doesn’t make anyone a bad person. It’s just important to find what works for us, with as much patience and compassion possible.

I also often feel like I crave for this “naive” version of me, the “child” version of me who wasn’t cynical, who was more curious and more able to smile. But even more: who wasn’t anxious about absolutely everything. Might sound a little stupid, but some things that helps me to reconnect to that pat of myself is to try to enjoy some very simple pleasures that I was used to enjoy as a kid. Hell, sometimes I find myself using a bubble tube/toy and make bubbles while watching the clouds. Other times I read old comics I used to like as a kid. It brings back this immediate excitement, with a soft touch of nostalgia. It certainly doesn’t help me get a job, or work on my anxiety or improve anything, but man it just feels good to allow yourself to do something pointless with no other objective but to fill your heart with something positive, light, refreshing. As adults, we give ourselves so many limitations and we become very serious, because we realize how ugly this world can be. Yet we are totally allowed to breathe when we need it and make our quiet revolution! Which starts, first and foremost, in our heart.

I am just so frustrated right now. I know most people are feeling the effects of isolation due to the pandemic but I have to be honest - when things have settled down, most will have some idea of how to go back to ‘normalcy’. Technically, I’ve been in ‘lock down’ for well over 20 years. It’s like some people are just ungrateful for having the opportunity to live a normal life at all.

Your frustration is totally valid and understandable. It’s just a personal perspective, but I think this pandemic has been like a violent slap on the face for many people. As you said, there are things that could have been taken for granted before, but being away from their loved ones was probably, for a lot of people, a time to realize how precious it is to not be alone or isolated. It’s okay to give everyone some grace though. Craving for what we don’t have and ignoring what we have is a normal tendency. We all do that to some extent, especially if we’re not okay with our situation.

Some people have been complaining about the sudden ‘mental health crisis’. There’s always been a mental health crisis, it’s just nobody ever gave a damn about dealing with it effectively. Out of sight, out of mind.

I hear you. I’ve listened to some debates here and there, on the radio, and I was shocked to hear that where I live we are only talking now about mental health… a year after lockdowns started. It’s indeed frustrating how slow it is sometimes for our societies to be aware of things that are fundamental. Though maybe another way to see it is that it could be a door we’re about to open for a better understanding of mental health in general, and a better visibility for those topics. It’s sad that it took so much time to be aware of the mental health crisis beyond professional circles, but maybe this would produce some interesting results in the future, who knows? I don’t see a way to be grateful for covid, but there might be some bright lights happening as a consequence.

Don’t have a garden or anything or room for exercise equipment as this place is tiny.

For gardening: you can try to wander around and cut plants you could find outside. Even in cities, there are many small plants that keeps growing everywhere, especially sedums/succulents, which are easy to cultivate. You can use bottles as flower pots, and if you have a park, a natural space or even a cemetery (that’s the best! lots of bits of nature we rarely expect to see) near where you live, you can get some soil there. Unless you want to do some high-level gardening or cultivate vegetables, you don’t really need specific tools or equipment. Lots of products we use everyday can be used for gardening. Simple example: you can fertilize your plants with eggshells or coffee grounds. Gardening can really be a super super cheap hobby.

Regarding exercise: what is the kind of sport you’re interested in? Exercising doesn’t need to require specific equipment, at least for anything related to fitness/stretching. I live in a small apartment as well, and I don’t have any equipment either, but sometimes I like to watch some youtube videos and do some fitness or weight training that don’t require extensive movement. There are plenty of channels into yoga as well. Sometimes I also like to watch AiPingTaiChi streams: Twitch - which are weekly Tai-Chi sessions. It’s really an interesting practice that doesn’t require a lot of space, and zero equipment. Only your body and your mind. I personally need to push a table a bit away, but if you can have a space of like 2 by 2meters, that’s more than enough (I think, not super good with metrics lol). :heart:

Half the battle is being able to go out and face people without feeling ashamed of yourself.
Yea, it’s super hard to go out there where you feel uncomfortable with yourself, when you’re afraid to be seen. Anytime I go outside, I am stressed, just because I become visible. Triggers a lot of anxiety and automatic thoughts that are just exhausting. I’m totally with you on this struggle bus.

What do you do to ease this feeling of shame? What kind of practice would you like to add to your daily life so you could work on that? For me personally, what helps generally is to prepare myself for a morning walk, when the world is awakening but the streets/roads are not overcrowded. I also try to alternate between places where I know there will be people, and places where there isn’t, during one walk. Finally, do you have a phone with a camera, or a camera at all? For years I’ve loved photography, and especially nature photography. As an anxious bean overwhelmed by shame, it’s been very helpful to have this “tool” between people and me. I could focus on something else than others passing by. Oh it doesn’t delete the stress… But it’s a good way to train your anxiety. There’s something soothing in trying to stay focused on the leaves you’re trying to shoot than the person walking next to you. And it’s a way to take your time while being outside.

I’m sorry I took up people’s time here with these stupid posts.

You are worth all the time and attention that you, and everyone who responded here, are taking.

I hope you’re being gentle with yourself since your last post. And if not, I’d really want to encourage to take one step today in that direction. It doesn’t have to be a radical change or something overwhelming. Just 5 or 10 minutes for yourself. For doing something you like. It’s okay to learn to be kind and patient with yourself. We’re in this with you, as a community, as an online family who have each other’s back.

I really wanted to start turning things around a bit.

^^^^^ Keep this energy, friend. Or just try to get back to it at your own pace, your own time. No rush. I believe in you.


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