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Belongs to: Therapist gets Paranoid by Black Sabbath
So very sorry for your loss. I lost my beautiful grandmother on the last day of 2023. My last grandparents. And it still absolutely crushes me if I even think about it. Sending lots of love your way
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My husband and I have both lost our grandmas in the last few years. It was absolutely devastating. What i keep reminding myself is to live my life in a way that would make her proud. Some of her last words to me were to be true to myself and thats what I am trying to do every day that I am still walking this earth. Sending you love and all the hugs. Your grandma would be so proud of you for reaching out and sharing your heart.
I can sympathize with your pain. I lost my grandpa in 2020 and to this day I sometimes feel as he is still with us. I find myself wanting to call and talk with him but then I remember. Whenever I remember he’s gone, I can’t help but cry. It helps to know that he would want me to go on and live and be as merry as I can. And that’s all we truly can do. I am sorry for your loss and just know that someday you will be reunited.