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Belongs to: Therapist Reacts to Falling Away From Me By KORN
So what do you do when the people you asked for help. Gave you help, but the help that was given was to further isolate you and turn a blind eye to it. The people that were supposed to love you and protect you turned their back and pretended ot never happen then tell you your insane and should be locked away.
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Hey friend,
I totally get where you’re coming from. I’ve ran into that where you think people are being helpful, but sometimes they’re like just gonna tell you what you think you need to hear just to get your problems out of their way. And that’s totally not cool and unfair to you. There’s people out there always willing to listen, and therapists are a great outlet for that too, but even then building that connection takes a bit of time. I’ve gone through a few before I found the one that has really helped me. It might take a bit more work, but in the end it would be much more worth it. You ABSOLUTELY deserve to be loved and protected. Definitely shouldn’t be locked away, that’s for sure. You deserve to overcome everything you’re going through and blossom and grow.
And remember too, if you decide you need to ask for any more support, we do have a forum that you can always ask for support on, if you so choose to <3
Sometimes the people closest to you hurt you the most and someone who’s a stranger but has experienced the same situation can be a lot more understanding. There’s always someone who listens and understands better than the people we know and love. It can be scary to try to open up and share your experience with someone new but you would be surprised as how rewarding and helpful it can be to do so.
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