Something I need to get off my chest/Venting

A year ago this upcoming Sunday my best friend took her own life, hug your loved ones close for me tonight.
She introduced me to Bob Dylan - One More Cup Of Coffee which has been covered by numerous bands/artists and this was both of our favorite cover. I’m lucky to be surrounded by so many understanding folks who care about me.

I’ve been thinking about some of my former teachers and man, i was a little shit. If you were one of my teachers in school I am so incredibly sorry for my previous actions. One specific memory goes back to 7th grade where the class was just terrible, and I only made it worse. Ended up making the teacher quit mid year. One of my biggest regrets about that is not only did i not know what she was going through but just in general it takes a lot of work to make someone that hurt, stressed, overwhelmed, etc. and if I didn’t add on what would’ve happened next? Would she have stayed or still quit?

I guess what I mean by all of this is whether you do/don’t know what someone is going through it costs $0.00 to be a decent person, and it takes nothing out of your day to be a reasonable human being.

I will do better.

Advice, support, tips and tricks are all appreciated. I’m feeling pretty meh tonight.

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man, i went through a somewhat similar situation, lost a friend a few years ago, one i shared lots of music with, and for a long time it was very painful to listen to those songs. i eventually developed a similar (and just about as musical) kind of friendship with other people, and it helped ease it a lot. i never tried listening to the songs over and over to exhaust the pain, and idk if it’d work. i also didn’t really avoid the songs. but sometimes they’d come over, and it’d hurt, and i’d deal with it. now i listen to (all but one of) them without problems, and i’ve mostly come to terms with what happened. i don’t have a perfect solution, not even for myself, but i can say that it gets better.

as a teacher (probably not yours :rofl:), i really like it when i find out that a student (or anyone, really) took a turn for better, and i’m glad you understand things better now.

the past is to take lessons from. take what you can from it, move forward and don’t let it crush you (easier said than done, i know) as if something can possibly change what happened.

hold fast, we’re with you.

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I have a somewhat similar story, it’s not quite the same… I wasn’t ever the person who acted out as such, I was the opposite… That doesn’t mean that you are STILL a bad person tho. During school, my class also made a teacher quit. I was coming back from a session with my support mentor, and I walked in, the class had locked her inside a cupboard and yelling names at her. She quit a few weeks later… I was one of the quieter ones in the class and was bullied horrendously, so I just sat back and did nothing. I still think about the fact I could have gone and grabbed the teacher from the next room or something for help. I didn’t, I just sat there.
You are an amazing person and a huge part of this community… You do so much for us all. It’s ok to think back on that, but, it wasn’t soley your fault, and you DON’T KNOW that you were what pushed her over that line to quit. It’s okay.

Hold Fast

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Hey dude.

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